Reviving Heavenly-Mindedness: Igniting Passion for the Glory of Heaven

The church today faces a unique challenge - a lack of passion for heaven. Contrary to what some may believe, the problem is not that Christians are too consumed with thoughts of heaven and neglecting their worldly responsibilities. On the contrary, many Christians are spending minimal time engaging with God's Word and instead devoting the majority of their days to pursuing wealth and worldly pleasures.

The root of the issue lies in worldly-mindedness, not heavenly-mindedness. Christians have become so entangled in the pursuits of this world that they have lost sight of the eternal hope that awaits them in heaven. The apostle Paul, writing to the Colossians, commended them for their faith in Christ and their love for the saints, all because of the hope they held in heaven (Colossians 1:3-5).

We need individuals whose hearts are set aflame with a passionate love for the glory that awaits them in heaven. We need those who view themselves as exiles and sojourners on this earth, eagerly anticipating their eternal home. These individuals have experienced the beauty of the age to come in such a profound way that the treasures and pleasures of this world pale in comparison. The entertainment and moral causes that captivate the world no longer hold their interest because they have caught a glimpse of eternity.

Unfortunately, these individuals seem to be few and far between. Too many Christians are bound by the cords of selfishness, as they prioritize money, comfort, and praise over the call to love and serve others. The power to break free from these limitations lies in Christian hope. It is the confident assurance of the promise of heaven that empowers believers to let go of their worldly attachments and embrace the labors of love.

In heaven, love reigns supreme. It is the essence of that glorious realm. Therefore, those whose hearts are captivated by heaven will be compelled to love others. Their greatest desire will be to maximize their enjoyment of God for all eternity, and they understand that this can only be achieved by including others in that joy.

It is crucial to recognize that heavenly-mindedness does not hinder love on this earth. It is the preoccupation with worldly pursuits that suffocates love. The cords of selfishness bind our hands and prevent us from reaching out to those in need. However, when we fix our gaze on the hope of heaven, these cords are severed. Our love for others is fueled by the anticipation of the eternal rewards that await us in the presence of God.

But how do we practically live out this heavenly-minded love in our daily lives? It begins by setting our priorities straight. We must prioritize time in God's Word, allowing it to shape our minds and hearts. We must resist the temptation to be consumed by the pursuit of wealth and worldly pleasures. Instead, we should invest our time, talents, and resources in the things that truly matter for eternity.

Furthermore, we ought to cultivate a spirit of selflessness and generosity. Our love for others should overflow in acts of kindness, compassion, and service. By actively engaging in the labors of love, we demonstrate the reality of our heavenly hope.

In order to fully grasp the magnitude of our heavenly hope, we need to explore the Scriptures and discover the promises that await us. The Bible is filled with references to heaven, each one painting a beautiful picture of the glory that awaits those who are in Christ. From the streets of gold to the river of the water of life, these descriptions ignite our hearts with anticipation. They remind us that our current circumstances are temporary and that our true home is in heaven.

One such reference is found in the book of Revelation. John, the author of this book, was given a vision of heaven and recorded what he saw. He describes a city with walls of jasper adorned with precious stones. The foundations of the city are made of various gemstones, and the gates are made of pearls. The streets are pure gold, and there is no need for the sun or the moon, for the glory of God illuminates the city. This description is just a glimpse of the breathtaking beauty that awaits us in heaven (Revelation 21:9-21).

Another reference to heaven can be found in the Gospel of John. Jesus assures his disciples that he is going to prepare a place for them in his Father's house. He promises that he will come again to take them to this place, so that they may be with him where he is (John 14:1-3). This promise gives us hope and reassurance that our future in heaven is secure.

As we meditate on these promises, our hearts should be stirred with longing for our heavenly home. We should yearn for the day when we will be in the presence of God, free from the trials and tribulations of this world. This longing should fuel our love for others, as we understand that our time on earth is but a temporary assignment.

In conclusion, the church today needs a revival of heavenly-mindedness. We need individuals who are passionately in love with the promised glory of heaven. Their love for God and their hope in eternity should drive them to love and serve others. It is not heavenly-mindedness that hinders love on this earth, but rather worldly-mindedness. When we fix our gaze on the hope of heaven, the cords of selfishness are severed, and we are set free to love others sacrificially.

Let us be a people who prioritize our heavenly hope above all else. Let us invest our time, talents, and resources in the things that truly matter for eternity. And let us love others with the same love that God has lavished upon us, knowing that our labor in love is not in vain. May our hearts be captivated by the beauty of the age to come, and may our love for others be a reflection of the love that awaits us in heaven.
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