Requiring Obedience from Children: A Christian Parent's Guide

Parents, Require Obedience of Your Children

Parents, Require Obedience of Your Children

As we navigate the challenges of parenting in this day and age, it is crucial for Christian parents to prioritize obedience in their children. In a world where disobedience seems to be the norm, we must hold our children to a higher standard and teach them the importance of submitting to authority. This article serves as a plea to parents to require obedience from their children, drawing inspiration from biblical principles and the consequences of disobedience.

The Importance of Obedience

Obedience is not a popular concept in today's culture. Children are often encouraged to question authority and assert their independence from a young age. However, as Christian parents, we are called to instill the value of obedience in our children.

God's Word repeatedly emphasizes the significance of obedience. In Ephesians 6:1-3, the apostle Paul writes, "Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 'Honor your father and mother' (this is the first commandment with a promise), 'that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.'" This commandment is not given to restrict or oppress children, but rather to guide them towards a fulfilling and prosperous life.

Moreover, Jesus Himself exemplified obedience. In John 14:31, Jesus declares, "I do as the Father has commanded me." He submitted Himself to the will of His heavenly Father, even to the point of death on the cross. Our children can learn from this example and understand that obedience is not merely about following rules, but about aligning their hearts with God's purposes.

Consequences of Disobedience

When children choose to disregard their parents' instructions, it can have serious consequences. The story of Andy Lopez, a young boy who was tragically killed by the police, serves as a sobering reminder of the potential dangers of disobedience. While we cannot fully assess the details of that specific situation, it prompts us to consider the "what ifs" of disobedience.

In the Bible, we find numerous examples of the consequences of disobedience. The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is a prime example. They were given one commandment by God, yet they chose to disobey and the consequences were severe. Their disobedience brought sin and brokenness into the world, affecting all of humanity.

Similarly, the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for forty years as a result of their disobedience and lack of trust in God (Numbers 14:22-23). Their rebellion prevented them from entering the Promised Land and led to a generation's demise.

Teaching Obedience in Love

As parents, it is our responsibility to teach our children obedience in a loving and nurturing manner. This means setting clear expectations, providing consistent discipline, and demonstrating the importance of obedience through our own actions.

Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." This verse emphasizes the significance of early training and guidance in a child's life. By establishing boundaries and teaching obedience from a young age, we are equipping our children with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of the world.

In order to effectively teach obedience, we must also model it ourselves. Children are keen observers, and they learn by imitating their parents. If we consistently demonstrate obedience to God's commands and submit to His authority, our children will recognize the power and beauty of obedience.

Practical Steps for Requiring Obedience

Requiring obedience from our children may seem challenging, but with intentional effort and reliance on God's wisdom, it is possible. Here are some practical steps to help parents in this endeavor:

  • Set clear expectations: Clearly communicate your expectations to your children, ensuring they understand what is required of them.

  • Be consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to discipline. Follow through with consequences when disobedience occurs, providing a consistent message to your children.

  • Use positive reinforcement: While discipline is necessary, it is also important to recognize and reward obedience. Praise your children when they obey, reinforcing the value of obedience.

  • Teach biblical principles: Regularly share biblical stories and principles that highlight the importance of obedience. Help your children understand that obedience is not merely about following rules, but about honoring God and experiencing His blessings.

  • Pray for guidance: Parenting is a challenging task, and we need God's guidance and wisdom to navigate it successfully. Pray for wisdom as you teach and require obedience from your children.

An Eternal Impact

Requiring obedience from our children is not just about shaping their behavior in the present, but also about impacting their eternal destiny. By teaching them to submit to authority and obey God's commands, we are laying a foundation for a lifetime of faithfulness and spiritual growth.

Jesus said in John 14:15, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." Obedience is an expression of our love for God and a reflection of our faith. By teaching our children to walk in obedience, we are equipping them to live a life that honors and glorifies God.


As Christian parents, it is our responsibility to require obedience from our children. By doing so, we not only teach them valuable life skills, but also instill in them a foundation of faith and a heart that seeks to honor God. Let us prioritize obedience and guide our children towards a life of purpose, blessing, and eternal significance.

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