Radical Obedience: Prioritizing Jesus Above Natural Relationships

Radical Obedience and Natural Relationships

What does it mean to follow Jesus? The answer is simple: radical obedience. When we choose to follow Jesus, we must be willing to live a life that demonstrates our supreme love for Him. This love is so great that it can even relativize natural relationships. By natural relationships, I mean those established by ordinary, non-miraculous processes such as the relationships between parents and children, siblings, and spouses.

If we are to be Jesus' disciples, we must be willing to prioritize Him above all else, including our natural relationships. This may mean at times that we have to make difficult choices that might cause pain or sorrow in our family relationships. If we are not willing to hate our father, mother, brother, sister, spouse, or even our own life, we cannot be Jesus' disciples (Luke 14:26).

The Meaning of "Hate"

When Jesus says that we must hate our family members and even ourselves to be His disciples, it can seem confusing and even harsh. However, we must understand that Jesus is not advocating for actual hatred or animosity towards our loved ones. Instead, He is using hyperbole to emphasize the importance of our relationship with Him.

When Jesus says that we must hate our family members, He is pointing out that our love for Him must be so great that it makes our love for others look like hatred in comparison. This means that our love for Jesus must be our highest priority, even if it means making choices that may cause pain or separation from our loved ones.

The Cost of Discipleship

Following Jesus requires sacrifice. Jesus tells us that if we want to be His disciples, we must take up our cross and follow Him (Luke 9:23). This means that we must be willing to give up everything for Him, including our natural relationships.

Jesus is not saying that we should abandon our families or disregard their feelings. Instead, He is emphasizing that we must put our love for Him above all else, even if it means making difficult choices that may cause tension in our relationships.

Examples of Radical Obedience

Throughout the Bible, we see examples of people who demonstrated radical obedience to God, even if it meant going against their natural relationships.

Abraham and Isaac

In Genesis 22, God commands Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac as a burnt offering. While this may seem like a cruel and unusual request, Abraham demonstrates radical obedience by being willing to follow God's command, even if it meant losing his beloved son.

As Abraham was about to sacrifice Isaac, an angel of the Lord stopped him and provided a ram for the burnt offering instead. God was testing Abraham's faith and willingness to obey, and Abraham passed the test.

The Rich Young Ruler

In Mark 10:17-22, we read about a rich young ruler who comes to Jesus and asks what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus tells him to sell all his possessions and give the money to the poor, then come and follow Him.

The young man was very wealthy and could not bear the thought of giving up everything he had. He went away sad because he was not willing to make the sacrifice required to follow Jesus.

The Apostles

The apostles also demonstrate radical obedience to Jesus throughout the New Testament. They leave their families and careers to follow Jesus, even when it means facing persecution, imprisonment, and death.

For example, in Acts 5:41-42, we read about the apostles rejoicing after being flogged for preaching the gospel. They were not deterred by the pain and suffering they endured but continued to preach and teach about Jesus.

The Reward of Discipleship

While following Jesus requires sacrifice and may even cause tension in our natural relationships, it is important to remember that the reward of discipleship is far greater than any earthly relationship or possession.

Jesus promises that those who follow Him will receive eternal life and be with Him in heaven (John 3:16, John 14:3). He also promises to give us peace and rest for our souls (Matthew 11:28-30).

Jesus' Example

Perhaps the greatest example of radical obedience is Jesus Himself. He left His home in heaven to come to earth and die for our sins. He endured unimaginable pain and suffering on the cross so that we could have eternal life.

Jesus' love for us was so great that He was willing to sacrifice everything, including His own life, to save us. He is the ultimate example of radical obedience, and we should strive to follow in His footsteps.


Following Jesus requires radical obedience. We must be willing to put our love for Him above all else, including our natural relationships. While this may cause pain or tension in our relationships, the reward of discipleship is far greater than any earthly relationship or possession.

As we strive to follow Jesus, let us remember His example of sacrificial love and seek to imitate His radical obedience. Let us also trust that He will give us the strength and courage to make difficult choices and face any challenges that come our way.

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