Protecting Your Flock: How to Guard Against Fierce Wolves

How to Protect Your Flock from Fierce Wolves

As a shepherd, your primary responsibility is to protect your flock from all forms of danger, including predators. In the natural world, wolves are known to be one of the greatest threats to sheep. They are cunning, sly, and fierce predators who will stop at nothing to get what they want. Similarly, in the spiritual realm, false teachers, also known as wolves, pose a significant threat to the church. They are cunning, deceptive, and dangerous, and they will stop at nothing to lead your flock astray.

As a shepherd, it is your responsibility to watch for wolves and protect your flock from their destructive influence. In this article, we will discuss how to identify false teachers, how to protect your flock, and how to keep them from harm.

What is a Wolf?

In the Bible, wolves are often used as a metaphor for false teachers. They are characterized as being cunning, deceitful, and dangerous. In Matthew 7:15, Jesus warns us to "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves." Similarly, in Acts 20:29-30, Paul warns the Ephesian elders about "savage wolves" who will "not spare the flock."

False teachers are not merely those who teach false doctrines; they are those who have false aims. Their aim is not to love and care for the flock, but to use them for their own selfish purposes. They view the flock as a means to an end, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

How to Identify a Wolf

Identifying a wolf can be challenging, especially since they often come disguised as sheep. However, there are some telltale signs that you can look out for:

1. False Doctrine

False teachers often teach doctrines that are contrary to the Bible. They may twist Scripture to support their own agendas or add their own interpretations that are not consistent with the teachings of Jesus and the apostles. They may also deny fundamental truths of the faith, such as the deity of Christ, the virgin birth, or salvation by grace through faith.

2. Selfish Motives

False teachers are motivated by self-interest rather than love for the flock. They may use their position of authority to gain power, prestige, or financial gain. They may also seek to promote their own ideas and opinions rather than the truth of God's Word.

3. Divisive Behavior

False teachers often create divisions within the church. They may form cliques or factions and pit members against one another. They may also sow discord and strife by spreading rumors or gossip.

4. Immoral Behavior

False teachers may also engage in immoral behavior. They may use their position of authority to manipulate or exploit others. They may also engage in sexual immorality, financial impropriety, or other forms of unethical behavior.

How to Protect Your Flock

Protecting your flock from wolves requires vigilance, wisdom, and courage. Here are some steps you can take to protect your flock:

1. Know Your Flock

As a shepherd, it is important to know your flock well. Get to know their strengths and weaknesses, their spiritual needs, and their personal struggles. This will help you to identify when they are vulnerable to the influence of false teachers.

2. Teach Sound Doctrine

Teach your flock sound doctrine that is based on the Bible. Help them to understand the essential truths of the faith and to discern false teachings. Encourage them to read and study the Bible for themselves.

3. Watch for Wolves

Be alert for signs of false teaching. Stay informed about current trends and teachings that are prevalent in the culture. Stay connected with other pastors and leaders in the community and be open to their advice and counsel.

4. Confront False Teaching

When you detect false teaching, confront it head-on. Do not ignore it or hope that it will go away. Speak the truth in love and with humility, but also with firmness and conviction. If necessary, take disciplinary action to protect your flock from the influence of false teachers.


Protecting your flock from wolves is one of the most important responsibilities you have as a shepherd. False teachers are cunning, dangerous, and destructive, and they will stop at nothing to lead your flock astray. However, with vigilance, wisdom, and courage, you can identify and confront false teaching and protect your flock from harm. Remember the words of Jesus in John 10:11-13, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep." As a shepherd, care for your flock and watch for wolves.

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