Preserving Our Souls: Holding Firm to Faith and God's Promises

We are not the kind of people who shrink back and are destroyed. No, we are people of faith who preserve our souls. These powerful words from Hebrews 10:39 remind us of the importance of holding onto our faith and not giving in to doubt or fear.

When we think about love, we often focus on the joy and fulfillment it brings. But there is also a cost to love. It requires sacrifice and selflessness. And sometimes, that cost can be overwhelming. It can make us question if it's worth it. But as followers of Christ, we must remember that the temporary cost of love is nothing compared to the infinite promises of God.

In Hebrews 10:39, the author warns us of the consequences of shrinking back. If we give in to doubt and fear, if we turn away from God's promises, we will be destroyed. This is not just a loss of rewards, but a loss of our souls. The stakes are high. Hell is at stake. So we must not shrink back, but instead, hold onto our faith and persevere.

How do we do this? How do we resist the temptation to shrink back? The author of Hebrews offers us some guidance in Hebrews 3:13-14: "Exhort one another every day, as long as it is called 'today,' that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end." We need each other. We need community. We need to encourage and support one another in our faith journey.

But ultimately, our focus should be on the promises of God. We must value these promises above all else. In Hebrews 10:35, we are urged not to throw away our confidence, for it has a great reward. We must help each other see the greatness of this reward. We must help each other see and savor the preciousness of what Christ has purchased for us.

This is the main task of preaching and the main purpose of the church. We are called to help people see the superiority of God's promises and the greatness of the reward that awaits those who hold firm to their faith. We must help people understand that the sacrifices they make for the sake of love are nothing compared to the eternal joy and fulfillment that come from following Christ.

In our daily lives, it's easy to get caught up in the temporary pleasures and distractions of this world. We can easily lose sight of the eternal perspective and the promises of God. But we must constantly remind ourselves and each other of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ and the incredible reward that awaits us.

So let us not shrink back. Let us not give in to doubt or fear. Instead, let us hold firm to our faith and preserve our souls. Let us cherish the promises of God above all else. And let us encourage and support one another in our journey of faith, reminding each other of the greatness of the reward that awaits us.

As we do this, we will experience the power and presence of God in our lives. We will find strength and courage to persevere. And we will ultimately receive the greatest reward of all – eternal life with our Savior.

Keywords: faith, promises, love, sacrifice, doubt, fear, community, preaching, church, reward, joy, fulfillment, distractions, eternal perspective, knowing Christ, journey of faith, power, presence, strength, courage, eternal life.
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