Preaching Christ Beyond the Cross: The Fullness of Christ in Us Today

Should We Make a Beeline to the Cross?

When some people hear the phrase “preaching Christ,” they immediately think of preaching about the cross. But is the cross the only thing that we need to preach about when we share the gospel?

While the cross is undoubtedly a central aspect of Christianity, it is not the only thing that we need to focus on. The Bible has much to say about the person of Christ and his ongoing work in our lives, both before and after his death on the cross.

The Blood-Bought Reality of Christ in Us

The death of Christ on the cross, which occurred over two thousand years ago, purchased for us the presence of Christ in our lives today. When we talk about proclaiming Christ, we are talking about making clear and beautiful all the implications of the blood-bought reality of Christ in us now.

So, while the cross is certainly an important part of our faith, we must also focus on the ways that Christ is present and active in our lives today. This means digging deep into the texts of the Bible that deal with how to experience the living Christ and how to be transformed by him in our everyday attitudes and behaviors.

When we do this, we are not simply paying lip service to the idea of Christ in us. We are engaging with the reality of his presence, and seeking to live in a way that reflects that reality.

Going Beyond the Cross

Some people might argue that if we focus too much on the present reality of Christ in us, we risk neglecting the importance of the cross. But this is a false dichotomy.

When we focus on the ongoing work of Christ in our lives today, we are not downplaying the importance of the cross. Rather, we are seeking to fully understand and appreciate the significance of the cross in our lives.

The cross is not an isolated event that happened in the past, but a reality that continues to shape our lives today. When we understand this, we can see that focusing on the cross alone is not enough. We need to go beyond the cross and explore the full implications of Christ’s death and resurrection in our lives.

Preaching Christ in All His Fullness

So, when we talk about preaching Christ, we are not simply talking about preaching about the cross. We are talking about preaching about the fullness of Christ in all his glory.

This means exploring the many ways that Christ is present and active in our lives today, and seeking to live in a way that reflects his ongoing work in us. It means digging deep into the texts of the Bible that deal with the reality of Christ in us, and seeking to fully understand and appreciate what it means to have Christ living in us.

As we do this, we will find that the cross takes on even greater significance in our lives. We will see that the death of Christ was not simply an isolated event that happened in the past, but a reality that continues to shape our lives today. And we will see that the fullness of Christ is something that we can experience and enjoy in our lives today.

Examples from the Bible

Throughout the Bible, we see numerous examples of the ongoing work of Christ in the lives of his followers. Here are just a few:

1. The Apostle Paul

The Apostle Paul was a man who fully understood the reality of Christ in him. In his letter to the Galatians, he writes, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20).

For Paul, the reality of Christ in him was not simply a theological concept, but a lived experience. He understood that Christ was present and active in his life, and he sought to live in a way that reflected that reality.

2. The Early Church

The early church was another group of people who fully understood the reality of Christ in them. In the book of Acts, we see that they were a community of believers who were united by their shared experience of Christ’s presence in their lives.

They were not simply a group of people who believed in a historical event that happened in the past. They were a living, breathing community of believers who experienced the ongoing reality of Christ in their lives every day.

3. Jesus Himself

Of course, the ultimate example of the reality of Christ in us is Jesus himself. Throughout his ministry, he demonstrated the power and presence of God in his life, and he taught his followers to do the same.

Through his death and resurrection, Jesus paved the way for us to experience the fullness of God in our lives. He showed us that the reality of Christ in us is not simply a theological concept, but a lived experience that we can have every day.


So, should we make a beeline to the cross when we preach Christ? The answer is both yes and no. Yes, the cross is a central aspect of our faith, and we must preach about it. But no, we must not stop there.

We must also explore the fullness of Christ in all his glory, and seek to live in a way that reflects the ongoing work of Christ in our lives today. When we do this, we will find that the cross takes on even greater significance in our lives, and we will experience the fullness of Christ in ways that we never thought possible.

So, let us not simply preach about the cross. Let us preach about the fullness of Christ, and seek to live in a way that reflects his ongoing work in our lives.

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