Praying for God's Power to Fulfill Our Resolves

Praying for God's Power to Fulfill Our Resolves

Have you ever felt the desire to do something good, to make a positive change in your life or in the world around you? Maybe you've resolved to be more patient with your loved ones, or to volunteer at a local charity. These good resolves are commendable, but they can also be challenging to fulfill. We often find ourselves lacking the willpower or strength to follow through on our intentions.

In the Bible, the apostle Paul understood this struggle. In his letter to the Thessalonians, he wrote, "To this end we always pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling and may fulfill every resolve for good and every work of faith by his power" (2 Thessalonians 1:11). Paul recognized that it is God's power that enables us to fulfill our good resolves and works of faith.

But what does it mean to seek the power of God in fulfilling our resolves? Does it mean that we can sit back and do nothing, expecting God to do all the work for us? Not at all. Seeking God's power does not negate our own will and effort. Instead, it means that we engage our will and exert our own effort, but with the understanding that it is God's power working within us that gives us the strength and ability to fulfill our resolves.

God's power does not make us passive; it empowers us to actively engage our will in doing what is right. It is not about sitting back and waiting for God to miraculously change us or our circumstances. It is about actively and purposefully choosing to align our will with God's and relying on His power to enable us to do what is good and right.

When we sit back and do nothing, we are not truly trusting in God's sovereignty. If we truly believe in God's sovereignty, we will obediently engage our will in the pursuit of righteousness. Scripture instructs us to wage a good warfare, resist the devil, strive for holiness, and put to death the sinful acts of the body (1 Timothy 1:18, James 4:7, Hebrews 12:14, Romans 8:13).

Therefore, if we have lingering sin in our lives or if we constantly postpone good deeds because we are waiting for God to do everything for us, we are compounding our disobedience. God's power manifests itself in our lives when we actively engage our will in resolving to do what is right.

But how do we tap into God's power to fulfill our resolves? It starts with our faith and trust in Him. We must have faith that God's power is at work within us, that He is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). We must trust that He will provide the strength and ability we need to fulfill our good intentions.

Additionally, we can seek God's power through prayer. We can bring our resolves before Him, asking for His guidance, strength, and empowerment. As we submit our will to His, He will align our desires with His and empower us to fulfill them.

Moreover, reading and meditating on Scripture can help us tap into God's power. The Bible is filled with stories of God's power at work in the lives of His people. By studying these stories and applying the principles found within, we can learn how to walk in the power of God and fulfill our resolves.

It is important to remember that seeking God's power does not mean that we will never face challenges or obstacles. In fact, it is often through challenges that God's power is most evident in our lives. Just as a muscle grows stronger through resistance, our faith and resolve grow stronger through trials.

So, if you find yourself facing difficulties in fulfilling your resolves, do not be discouraged. Instead, view these challenges as opportunities for God's power to be displayed in your life. Trust that He is using these obstacles to strengthen your faith and resolve.

In conclusion, seeking the power of God to fulfill our resolves does not mean that we sit back and do nothing. It means that we actively engage our will and resolve to do what is good and right, relying on God's power to enable us to fulfill our intentions. It requires faith, prayer, and a commitment to align our will with His. As we trust in God's power and seek His guidance, He will empower us to fulfill our good resolves and works of faith.
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