Pleasing God: Understanding His Desires and Aligning Our Efforts

In the pursuit of pleasing God, have you ever stopped to consider whether your efforts are actually aligned with His desires? It's a sobering thought to realize that we may be dedicating our lives to please God, only to discover that our actions are abominations in His sight. This was the reality faced by the Pharisees, who believed they were faithfully serving God but were ultimately rebuked by Jesus (Luke 16:14–15).

Some may argue that it's impossible for God to reject someone who genuinely seeks to please Him. However, this argument is based on our own understanding of God's character, rather than on the truth revealed in Scripture. To truly understand how to please God, we must start with an accurate picture of who He is.

Imagine God as a mountain spring, constantly overflowing and replenishing itself. This spring does not require external sources to fill it; it is self-sufficient. On the other hand, a watering trough needs to be filled manually, either with a pump or a bucket. So, the question arises: how do we serve a spring? And how do we serve a watering trough? The answer lies in understanding how to glorify God as He truly is.

If our goal is to glorify a watering trough, we would work hard to keep it full and useful. But if our aim is to glorify a spring, we would get down on our hands and knees and drink from it until our thirst is quenched. Then, with renewed strength and refreshment, we would go back into the valley and share with others what we have found.

As a desperate sinner, my hope rests in the truth that God is pleased with the one thing I have to offer: my thirst for Him. This is why the sovereignty and self-sufficiency of God are so precious to me. They form the foundation of my hope that God is delighted not by the resourcefulness of our efforts, but by our humble submission to drink from the fountain of His grace.

Of course, we should strive to please God with our lives, both now and forever. However, if our entire existence is built upon a false understanding of what pleases God, we are in great danger. The Lord is not pleased by those who treat Him as a needy watering trough, but rather by those who recognize Him as an inexhaustible and all-satisfying spring. As Psalm 147:11 says, "The Lord takes pleasure in those who hope in His steadfast love."

So, how do we ensure that our efforts to please God are aligned with His desires? We must start by seeking to know Him as He has revealed Himself in Scripture. This requires diligent study and meditation on His Word, allowing His truth to shape our understanding of who He is and what pleases Him.

Additionally, we must examine our motives and intentions. Are we seeking to please God out of a genuine love and reverence for Him, or are we driven by a desire for personal recognition or approval? When our hearts are aligned with His, our actions will naturally flow from a deep love for Him and a desire to honor Him above all else.

Furthermore, we must continually rely on the Holy Spirit to guide and empower us. The Spirit enables us to understand and apply God's Word, convicts us of sin, and empowers us to live in a way that pleases God. As we yield to the Spirit's leading and allow Him to work in and through us, our lives will increasingly reflect the character of Christ and bring glory to God.

In conclusion, our ultimate goal should be to please God with our lives. However, we must ensure that our understanding of what pleases Him is rooted in the truth of Scripture. God is not a needy watering trough, dependent on our efforts to please Him. Rather, He is an inexhaustible spring, eager to satisfy our deepest longings and to be glorified through our humble submission to Him. May we continually seek to know Him, align our motives with His, and rely on the Holy Spirit to guide us in living lives that bring pleasure to our Heavenly Father.
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