Passive Christianity: The Death of Faith Without Action

Passive Christianity is Dead Christianity

What do you truly desire? What is your ambition as a Christian? Do you want to live a life that truly reflects your faith? These questions are essential to understand the concept of passive Christianity and its impact on our spiritual journey.

Passive Christianity is a term used to describe a form of faith that lacks action and works. It is a faith that claims to believe, but fails to demonstrate that belief through its actions. In other words, it is a stagnant faith that has no real impact or influence on the world around us.

But why is passive Christianity considered dead Christianity? The answer lies in the teachings of the Bible and the example set by Jesus and the early disciples.

Faith Without Works

James, one of the apostles, warns us that faith without works is dead. He emphasizes the importance of our actions aligning with our professed faith. In James 2:17–18, he writes, "Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. But someone will say, 'You have faith; I have deeds.' Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds."

This passage challenges us to examine our lives and evaluate whether our faith is truly alive or if it is merely a passive belief. It reminds us that our actions should be a natural outflow of our faith and that our lives should reflect the transformation that God has worked in us.

Love Without Deeds

John, another disciple of Jesus, further emphasizes the importance of action in our Christian walk. In 1 John 3:17–18, he writes, "If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."

This passage reminds us that love is not merely a sentiment or a feeling, but it is demonstrated through our actions. It challenges us to show compassion and meet the needs of others, as an expression of God's love for us. Love without deeds is dead, just as passive Christianity is dead.

Grace Without Holiness

The apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans, highlights the importance of holiness in our lives as recipients of God's grace. Romans 6:12–14 states, "Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness. For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace."

This passage reminds us that as Christians, we are called to live a life of holiness and righteousness. God's grace is not an excuse to continue in sin, but rather a motivation to live in obedience to His commands. Grace without holiness is dead, and it is through our transformed lives that we display the power and reality of God's grace.

Discipleship Without Obedience

Jesus Himself emphasizes the importance of obedience in our discipleship journey. In Matthew 7:21, He says, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."

This statement from Jesus challenges us to go beyond mere lip service and to actively follow and obey His teachings. It reminds us that true discipleship is not just about acknowledging Jesus as Lord, but it requires a life of obedience and surrender to His will. Discipleship without obedience is dead, and it is through our obedience that we demonstrate our love and devotion to Him.

The Call to Active Christianity

Understanding the dangers of passive Christianity, we are called to embrace a faith that is alive, active, and transformative. As we enter the year 2023 and beyond, it is crucial that we live out our faith in a way that is relevant and impactful.

So how can we actively live out our faith? Here are some practical steps:

1. Engage in Acts of Love and Service

Love is not merely a feeling, but it is demonstrated through action. Look for opportunities to show love and compassion to those around you. Volunteer your time, lend a helping hand, and meet the practical needs of others. By doing so, you reflect the love of God and make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need.

2. Pursue Holiness and Righteousness

Recognize that as a recipient of God's grace, you are called to live a life of holiness and obedience. Seek to align your thoughts, words, and actions with God's standards. Continually pursue personal growth and transformation, allowing God to work in you and through you.

3. Share the Gospel with Boldness

Do not be afraid to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Be intentional about sharing your faith with others and pointing them towards the hope found in Christ. As you share the gospel, remember that your actions should align with your words, reinforcing the truth and power of the message.

4. Seek God's Will and Obey His Commands

Take time to seek God's will for your life through prayer and studying His Word. Listen for His guidance and direction, and be willing to step out in faith and obedience. Trust that God's plans are far greater than your own, and seek to align your desires with His purposes.

As we actively live out our faith, we demonstrate to the world the transformative power of the gospel. Our actions become a testimony of God's love, grace, and truth. We become agents of change and hope in a world that is desperate for a genuine and active faith.


Passive Christianity is dead Christianity. It is a faith that lacks action, works, and transformation. But as we embrace an active faith, we have the opportunity to impact the world around us and bring glory to God.

As we journey through the year 2023 and beyond, let us be intentional about living out our faith in a way that is relevant, impactful, and transformative. Let us be known for our love, our obedience, and our unwavering commitment to following Jesus. In doing so, we will truly embody the call to active Christianity and inspire others to do the same.

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