Overcoming the Slowness of Sanctification: Navigating the Road to Heaven

The Road to Heaven: Overcoming the Slowness of Sanctification

The Road to Heaven: Overcoming the Slowness of Sanctification

The road to heaven is flanked with dangers — and not always the dangers we expect.

Many of us set out on this journey expecting threats to come from the world: its comforts and pleasures, its false stories and faux moralities. Many of us also anticipate danger to come from suffering: sudden losses, broken dreams, persecution in its various forms. But perhaps fewer of us are aware of another threat, less familiar but just as dangerous: the slowness of our sanctification.

Have you ever felt tired, discouraged, or on the verge of giving up your Christian faith because of the slow progress in your spiritual growth? You are not alone. John Piper, a renowned theologian, once highlighted this issue in an interview, stating, "I have dealt with more people who are ready to give up their Christian faith precisely because of the slowness of their sanctification, rather than because of physical harm or external difficulties."

It is natural for us to desire quick and visible growth in our Christian walk. We want to see immediate results, to feel a sense of accomplishment, and to witness significant changes in our character and behavior. However, the reality is that most growth in the Christian life is slow and gradual.

Understanding the Process of Sanctification

Sanctification, the process of becoming more like Christ, is a lifelong journey. It involves the work of the Holy Spirit in transforming our hearts, minds, and actions to align with God's will. This process requires our active participation, obedience, and dependence on God's grace.

Throughout the Bible, we find references to the importance of sanctification and the challenges it presents. In 1 Thessalonians 4:3, the apostle Paul writes, "For this is the will of God, your sanctification." The pursuit of holiness and growth in godliness is God's desire for every believer.

However, the Bible also acknowledges that sanctification is not an instantaneous event. In Philippians 1:6, Paul assures us that "he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." This verse reminds us that God is faithfully working in us, even when progress seems slow or imperceptible.

Overcoming Discouragement on the Journey

When faced with the slowness of our sanctification, it is crucial to remember a few key truths:

1. God's Timing is Perfect

God operates outside of our human understanding of time. He works in seasons and stages, and His timing is always perfect. Just as a seed takes time to grow into a mighty tree, our spiritual growth unfolds according to God's plan. Trusting in His timing helps us remain patient and hopeful.

2. The Importance of Small Steps

While we may desire rapid progress, growth often occurs through small, incremental steps. Each act of obedience, each moment spent in prayer and studying God's Word, contributes to our sanctification. Celebrate even the smallest victories and trust that God is using them to shape you into His likeness.

3. Embracing the Journey

Sanctification is not just about reaching a destination but about the transformation that occurs along the way. Every obstacle, every struggle, and every delay is an opportunity for growth and dependence on God. Embrace the journey, knowing that God is using every circumstance to mold you into the image of Christ.

Remaining Firm in Faith

When discouragement threatens to overwhelm us, we must remember the promises of God. Romans 8:28 assures us that "we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Even the slow progress in our sanctification is working for our ultimate good.

Additionally, Hebrews 12:1-2 encourages us to "run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith." Fixing our eyes on Jesus, who endured the cross for our sake, reminds us of the ultimate goal and the eternal reward that awaits us.


On the journey to heaven, we may encounter unexpected threats and challenges. The slowness of our sanctification can be one of these dangers, leading us to doubt and discouragement. However, understanding the process of sanctification, embracing the journey, and remaining firm in our faith can help us overcome these obstacles.

Remember, transformation takes time. Just as a sculptor carefully molds a masterpiece, God is shaping us into His likeness through the process of sanctification. Trust in His perfect timing, celebrate the small steps, and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. In due time, you will see the fruit of your growth and be assured of your place in heaven.

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