Overcoming Excessive Fears: Finding Freedom in Faith

Can We Really Be Free from Excessive Fears?

Fear is a natural emotion that we all experience from time to time. It is a response to a perceived threat or danger, and it can be useful in keeping us safe. However, when fear becomes excessive or irrational, it can control our thoughts and actions, limiting our ability to live fully.

Many people struggle with excessive fears, and they wonder if it is possible to be truly free from them. The answer is yes, but it requires a shift in perspective and a deep trust in God. In this article, we will explore how we can overcome excessive fears and live in the freedom that God offers us.

The Nature of Fear

Fear is a complex emotion that involves both our thoughts and our bodies. When we perceive a threat, our brains activate the fight or flight response, which prepares us to either confront the danger or escape from it. This response involves the release of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which increase our heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure.

While this response can be helpful in a dangerous situation, it can also be triggered by non-threatening situations or thoughts. When this happens, we experience anxiety, which is a persistent and excessive fear of a specific object, situation, or activity. Anxiety can interfere with our daily lives, making it difficult to function normally.

The Biblical View of Fear

The Bible has much to say about fear. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, we see examples of people who experienced fear and how they responded to it. Some responded with faith and trust in God, while others succumbed to their fears and suffered the consequences.

One of the most common commands in the Bible is "Do not fear." This command is given over 300 times, and it is a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles. God is with us, and he is greater than any fear that we may face.

Psalm 34:4

"I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears."

Isaiah 41:10

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

2 Timothy 1:7

"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."

These verses remind us that we have a powerful ally in God, who is able to deliver us from our fears. They also remind us that fear is not from God, but from the enemy who seeks to rob us of our peace and joy.

Overcoming Excessive Fears

So how do we overcome excessive fears? The first step is to acknowledge that our fears are real and that they are affecting our lives. We need to be honest with ourselves and with God about our struggles, and we need to seek help if necessary. This may involve talking to a trusted friend or counselor, or it may involve seeking medical treatment.

The next step is to examine our thoughts and beliefs about our fears. Are they based on reality, or are they distorted by anxiety? Are we trusting in God's promises, or are we relying on our own strength? These questions can help us identify the root of our fears and begin to address them.

One helpful technique for overcoming fears is to practice exposure therapy. This involves facing our fears in a safe and controlled environment, gradually increasing our exposure over time. For example, if we are afraid of flying, we might start by looking at pictures of planes, then watching videos of takeoffs and landings, and eventually taking a short flight with a trusted friend or family member. This gradual exposure can help desensitize us to our fears and build our confidence.

Another helpful technique is to practice relaxation and mindfulness. This involves learning to quiet our minds and focus on the present moment, rather than worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. This can be done through deep breathing, meditation, or other relaxation techniques.

The Role of Faith

Ultimately, the key to overcoming excessive fears is faith in God. When we trust in God's promises and rely on his strength, we can face our fears with confidence. We can know that he is with us, that he loves us, and that he has a plan for our lives.

One of the most powerful examples of faith in the face of fear is found in the story of Daniel in the lion's den. Daniel was a faithful servant of God who refused to bow down to the king's idols. As a result, he was thrown into a den of hungry lions. But even in the face of certain death, Daniel trusted in God's protection.

Daniel 6:22

"My God sent his angel and shut the lions' mouths, and they have not harmed me, because I was found blameless before him; and also before you, O king, I have done no harm."

Like Daniel, we can trust in God's protection and provision, even in the midst of our fears. We can know that he is working all things together for our good, and that nothing can separate us from his love.


Fear is a natural emotion that we all experience, but it can become excessive and controlling if we allow it to. By acknowledging our fears, examining our thoughts and beliefs, and practicing techniques like exposure therapy and relaxation, we can overcome our fears and live in freedom. But ultimately, the key to true freedom from fear is faith in God. When we trust in his promises and rely on his strength, we can face our fears with confidence and live fully in the abundant life that he has for us.

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