Navigating Homosexuality: A Christian Perspective

Orienting on Homosexual Orientation: A Christian Perspective

Homosexuality and same-sex attraction have been a topic of hot debate for decades. It is a complicated issue that has divided the Church, with different opinions on how to approach it. Some argue that a homosexual orientation is a sin and must be fought against, while others believe that it is neutral and should be embraced but not acted upon.

As a Christian, it is essential to seek God's wisdom on this issue. The Bible is our guide, and it has a lot to say about sexual orientation. In this article, we will explore what the Bible teaches about homosexuality, how we should orient ourselves towards homosexual orientation, and how we can love and support our brothers and sisters who experience same-sex attraction.

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?

The Bible is clear that homosexuality is a sin. The Old Testament condemns it in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13, while the New Testament mentions it in Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, and 1 Timothy 1:10. These passages demonstrate that homosexuality is a violation of God's design for human sexuality.

However, some argue that these passages are outdated and do not apply to our modern context. They claim that the Bible does not condemn loving, committed same-sex relationships. They also argue that Jesus never mentioned homosexuality, and therefore, it cannot be that significant.

While it is true that Jesus did not explicitly mention homosexuality, He did affirm the Old Testament's teachings on sexual morality. In Matthew 5:17-20, Jesus states that He did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it. He also makes it clear that anyone who breaks even the least of these commandments will be called least in the kingdom of heaven.

Furthermore, Paul's letters to the Corinthians and Timothy demonstrate that homosexuality is not just a cultural phenomenon but a sin against God's design for human sexuality. He writes that those who practice homosexuality will not inherit the kingdom of God but can be transformed by the power of the Gospel.

How Should We Orient Ourselves Toward Homosexual Orientation?

Given that the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin, how should we orient ourselves towards homosexual orientation? There are different opinions on this issue, but I believe that a biblical perspective should involve three things: acknowledging the reality of same-sex attraction, rejecting homosexual behavior, and embracing a biblical view of sexuality.

Acknowledge the Reality of Same-Sex Attraction

Firstly, we need to acknowledge the reality of same-sex attraction. Same-sex attraction is a complicated reality that affects many Christians. It is not a choice but an experience that some people have to deal with.

However, acknowledging the reality of same-sex attraction does not mean that we should accept it as a neutral or positive thing. As Christians, we believe that all aspects of our lives, including our sexuality, must be submitted to God's will. Therefore, we should not embrace same-sex attraction as a part of who we are but recognize it as a result of the Fall.

Reject Homosexual Behavior

Secondly, we need to reject homosexual behavior. The Bible is clear that homosexual behavior is a sin and goes against God's design for human sexuality. Therefore, we must not engage in any behavior that violates God's will, including same-sex sexual activity.

Rejecting homosexual behavior can be challenging, especially for those who experience same-sex attraction. It requires self-control, discipline, and a deep trust in God's goodness. However, it is essential to remember that obedience to God's will brings blessings and peace (John 14:21).

Embrace a Biblical View of Sexuality

Lastly, we need to embrace a biblical view of sexuality. The Bible teaches that sexuality is a gift from God, designed for the union of one man and one woman in marriage (Genesis 2:24). Sexuality is not just about physical pleasure but a reflection of God's love and the unity of Christ and the Church (Ephesians 5:22-33).

Therefore, as Christians, we need to embrace a biblical view of sexuality that honors God's design and reflects His glory. This means that we should pursue sexual purity, practice self-control, and view sex as a sacred act within the context of marriage.

How Can We Love and Support Those Who Experience Same-Sex Attraction?

As Christians, we must love and support our brothers and sisters who experience same-sex attraction. They are our fellow image-bearers and members of the body of Christ. However, loving and supporting them does not mean accepting or condoning their behavior. Instead, it involves showing them Christ's love, grace, and truth.

Here are some ways we can love and support those who experience same-sex attraction:

Pray for Them

We should pray for those who experience same-sex attraction, asking God to give them strength, wisdom, and guidance. We should pray that they would experience God's love and grace and that they would submit their sexuality to His will.

Listen to Them

We should listen to those who experience same-sex attraction, giving them a safe space to share their struggles and experiences. Listening to them shows them that we care and that we are willing to walk with them through their struggles.

Speak the Truth in Love

We should speak the truth in love, sharing the Gospel and biblical truth with those who experience same-sex attraction. We should do this in a gentle and respectful manner, pointing them to Christ and His love.

Offer Practical Support

We should offer practical support to those who experience same-sex attraction, such as providing them with resources, connecting them with supportive communities, and helping them find professional counseling.


Homosexual orientation is a complicated issue that requires careful thought and biblical wisdom. As Christians, we should acknowledge the reality of same-sex attraction, reject homosexual behavior, and embrace a biblical view of sexuality. We should also love and support our brothers and sisters who experience same-sex attraction, showing them Christ's love, grace, and truth.

May we seek God's wisdom and grace as we navigate this challenging issue, trusting in His goodness and His plan for our lives.

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