I Lay My Life: The Last Words of Jesus and the Power of Surrender

I Lay My Life in Your Hands

I Lay My Life in Your Hands

The Last Words of Jesus

Throughout church history, the seven statements spoken by Jesus from the cross have been referred to as his "last words." Tradition holds that the very last of these last words, uttered by Jesus before his death, were "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit" (Luke 23:46).

This poignant moment holds deep meaning. Here, we see Jesus, the Word of God, praying to his God by quoting Scripture. In his final moments, the Word of God speaks the word of God. This final cry is a poetic and heartbreaking culmination of Jesus' sacrifice.

A Prayer of Committal

As Jesus cried out these words, many present at Golgotha that dark afternoon would have been familiar with them. These words were a common prayer taught to Jewish children before they slept, serving as a prayer of committal before their rest. In Jesus' cry, they would have recognized the parallel to a dying man's final prayer before peacefully "falling asleep."

However, there is more to these words than meets the eye. And every Jewish religious leader present that day would have been aware of the significance. Jesus was not merely reciting a bedtime prayer, but rather fulfilling a prophecy found in the Scriptures.

Fulfillment of Prophecy

The words Jesus spoke on the cross were taken from the first half of Psalm 31:5. By quoting this psalm, Jesus was not only expressing his trust in God but also fulfilling a prophecy written centuries earlier. In this psalm, the psalmist prays for deliverance and commits his spirit into God's hands.

Jesus, being fully aware of the Scriptures and their fulfillment in him, intentionally chose these words to proclaim his complete surrender to the Father's will. By quoting Psalm 31:5, he was declaring that he was the fulfillment of the Messianic prophecies and that his life was being laid down willingly.

Application to Our Lives

While reflecting on the last words of Jesus, we can draw profound lessons for our own lives. Just as Jesus committed his spirit into the hands of the Father, we too can trust in God's sovereignty and surrender our lives to his care. In every circumstance, we can find comfort and security knowing that God is in control.

This act of surrender also reminds us of the importance of studying and meditating on God's Word. Jesus, in his final moments, drew from the Scriptures to express his faith and fulfill prophecy. As followers of Christ, we should likewise immerse ourselves in the Word of God, seeking to understand its truths and allowing it to shape our lives.


The last words of Jesus hold deep significance and provide us with a powerful example of complete surrender to the Father's will. Through his cry on the cross, Jesus fulfilled prophecy, expressed his trust in God, and demonstrated his willingness to lay down his life for us.

As we reflect on these words, let us remember to entrust our lives into the hands of the Father, just as Jesus did. Let us seek to understand and apply the truths of Scripture, allowing it to guide our lives and shape our faith. May we find comfort and security in surrendering to God's sovereignty and trusting in his unfailing love.

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