Heaven's Joys: Why it Surpasses Sex and Offers Ultimate Pleasure

Why Heaven Will Be Better Than Sex

As humans, we often associate pleasure with physical experiences like eating, drinking, and sex. But what if the greatest pleasure we could ever experience was not physical at all? What if, in fact, heaven offers pleasures that far surpass the fleeting pleasures of sex?

As a Christian, I believe that heaven is a real place, and that it will be infinitely better than anything we can experience on earth. And while it may be hard for some to imagine a heaven without sex, I believe that the joys that await us there are greater than anything we can imagine.

The Bible's View on Sex

Before we dive into why heaven will be better than sex, it's important to understand the Bible's view on sex. The Bible teaches that sex is a good thing, created by God for the enjoyment of married couples. In fact, the Bible celebrates sex within the context of marriage:

"Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice in the wife of your youth, a lovely deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts fill you at all times with delight; be intoxicated always in her love." (Proverbs 5:18-19)

However, the Bible also teaches that sex outside of marriage is sinful:

"Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body." (1 Corinthians 6:18)

The Bible's view on sex is clear: it is a good thing, but only within the context of marriage. Outside of marriage, it is sinful and harmful.

Heaven's Joys

So if sex is a good thing, why won't there be sex in heaven? To answer that question, we need to understand what heaven is and what joys await us there.

First and foremost, heaven is the place where God dwells. It is the place where we will be in the presence of God, experiencing his love, joy, and peace in a way that we cannot fully comprehend on earth.

Secondly, heaven is a place of perfect holiness. There will be no sin, no pain, and no suffering in heaven. We will be free from the effects of sin that plague us on earth.

So what joys await us in heaven? Here are just a few:

1. Perfect Relationship with God

In heaven, we will be in the presence of God, experiencing his love, joy, and peace in a way that we cannot fully comprehend on earth. We will be able to worship him without any distractions or hindrances, and we will be able to experience his glory in a way that we cannot do on earth.

2. Perfect Relationship with Others

In heaven, we will also have perfect relationships with other believers. There will be no more misunderstandings, no more arguments, and no more hurt feelings. We will be able to love and serve one another in a way that is impossible on earth.

3. Perfect Knowledge

In heaven, we will have a perfect understanding of God and his ways. We will be able to see things from his perspective and understand everything that happened on earth in light of his plan and purpose.

4. Perfect Joy

In heaven, we will experience a joy that is beyond anything we can imagine. We will be free from all the things that bring us pain and sorrow on earth, and we will be able to experience true, lasting joy in the presence of God and his people.

These are just a few of the joys that await us in heaven. And while we may not fully understand what these joys will be like, we can be certain that they will surpass anything we can experience on earth, including sex.

Why Sex Is Not the Ultimate Pleasure

While sex can be a pleasurable experience, it is not the ultimate pleasure. In fact, the Bible teaches that the greatest pleasure we can experience is knowing God:

"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." (Psalm 16:11)

Knowing God and experiencing his love, joy, and peace is the ultimate pleasure. And while sex can be a part of the joy of marriage, it is not the ultimate pleasure that we were created for.

Furthermore, sex is a physical pleasure that is limited to our bodies. When we die, our bodies will decay and return to dust, but our souls will live on. The joys of heaven are eternal and spiritual, not limited to our physical bodies.

So while sex may be a pleasurable experience, it is not the ultimate pleasure. The joys that await us in heaven far surpass anything we can experience on earth, including sex.


So what does heaven offer us? It offers us the joys of perfect relationship with God and others, perfect knowledge, and perfect joy. It offers us an eternity of experiencing God's love, joy, and peace in a way that we cannot fully comprehend on earth.

So while it may be hard for some to imagine a heaven without sex, the joys that await us there are far greater than anything we can experience on earth. As Christians, we can look forward to a future where we will experience the ultimate pleasure of knowing God and being in his presence forever.

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