God's Promises of Glory: A Journey of Hope

Before we dive into the incredible promises God has made about our future, let's take a moment to appreciate why He wants us to know about them. God wants us to be amazed, to feel hope, and to experience the joy that comes with knowing what lies ahead. He doesn't simply want us to read His words and move on; He wants us to truly grasp the magnitude of His promises and feel the hope they bring. So, let's take a journey through the orchard of hope and pick the ripest peach of God's promise.

One such promise can be found in 1 Corinthians 2:7, where Paul tells us that God has imparted a secret and hidden wisdom for our glory. Let's pause and savor this peach of hope. This wisdom was decreed by God before the ages, before time itself, when only God existed. In His infinite wisdom, God planned for us to experience "our glory" in full. He prepared this wisdom for those who love Him. Can you imagine? Before the creation of the world, God had already planned for us to be glorious.

But what does it mean to be glorious? Our glory is not separate from God's or Christ's glory. Our hope lies in rejoicing in the glory of God and the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. We will obtain this glory as a world, a kingdom, a habitation. Everything in this new world will be beautiful, and the light and beauty will come from God. The glory of God will give light to everything, and we will see light in His light. Our glory will be the glory of God above and in everything.

Not only will we behold this glory, but we will also become glorious ourselves. When Christ appears, we shall be like Him, shining with the same glory that radiates from His face. Our resurrection bodies will be transformed to be like His glorious body. Every saint, no matter how broken or frail, will rise in glory. We were created and prepared for this glory, and it is our new nature and our new world.

But it doesn't end there. Our glory will also impact the universe itself. The creation will be set free from corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. Our glory will determine the glory of the universe. And this glory is not temporary or insignificant; it is heavy and eternal. Our suffering and trials on earth are preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.

And here's the most incredible part: our glory will be intensely personal. Jesus will personally praise each one of us, saying, "Well done, good and faithful servant." He will give us a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to us and Him. Our glory will include the personal touch of Jesus, and each one of us will receive praise from God.

So, as we reflect on these promises, let's rejoice in hope. Let's pick the peach of God's promise and taste its sweetness. Let's savor the lusciousness of His wisdom, decreed before the ages for our glory. May this promise nourish and strengthen our souls, filling us with the gladness and hope that only God can provide.

In conclusion, God has revealed amazing things about our future because He wants us to be amazed. He wants us to feel hope and experience the joy that comes from knowing what lies ahead. These promises are not empty words; they are ripe peaches waiting for us to pick and taste. So, let's linger over God's hope-giving promises and truly feel the hope and gladness that they bring. May we rejoice in hope and eagerly anticipate the glorious future that God has planned for us.
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