God Spoke to Me: A Life-Changing Experience

The Life-Changing Experience I had: God Spoke to Me

Have you ever had an experience that changed your life forever? I had one early Monday morning on March 19, 2007. It was a little after six o'clock, and I was staying at Shalom House, a retreat center in northern Minnesota, with my wife for a staff couples’ retreat. I couldn't sleep for some reason, and I got up to pray. I had no idea what was about to happen. God spoke to me.

God Still Speaks Today

There is a common belief among many Christians that God stopped speaking to people after the Bible was written. But I can tell you from personal experience that this is not true. God still speaks to his people today. In fact, the Bible itself is filled with stories of God speaking to his people. From Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to the apostle John on Patmos, God has always communicated with his children.

One of the most powerful examples of God speaking to someone is found in the book of Exodus. Moses was tending sheep in the wilderness when he saw a burning bush that was not consumed. As he approached the bush, God spoke to him and gave him the mission of leading the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. Moses asked God what his name was, and God replied, "I am who I am." From that point on, Moses was never the same.

Like Moses, I too was transformed by the experience of hearing God's voice. It was a moment that changed the course of my life.

The Voice of God

When God spoke to me, it was not an audible voice that I heard with my ears. Rather, it was a voice that I heard in my mind, but it was as clear as if someone had spoken it out loud. The words were in English, but they had a ring of truth that was unmistakable. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was God speaking to me.

Interestingly, the Bible tells us that God speaks in different ways to different people. Sometimes he speaks through dreams or visions, as he did with Joseph and Daniel. Other times he speaks through angels, as he did with Mary and the shepherds. And sometimes he speaks through a still, small voice, as he did with Elijah. The important thing is that we are open and receptive to hearing his voice, no matter how he chooses to speak to us.

The Message

So what did God say to me that morning? The message was simple, yet profound. He said, "I am the Lord your God, and I love you with an everlasting love. I have called you to be my servant and to proclaim my gospel to the nations."

These words were not new to me. I had heard them before in the Bible. But hearing them spoken directly to me by God himself was a game changer. It was as if everything suddenly clicked into place. I knew without a doubt what my purpose in life was: to serve God and to proclaim his gospel to the world.

The Aftermath

After God spoke to me, I sat in silence for a few minutes, trying to process what had just happened. I felt a sense of peace and joy that I had never experienced before. It was as if all my doubts and fears had been washed away, and I was left with a deep sense of purpose and meaning.

From that day forward, my life was never the same. I had a renewed passion for God and for his Word. I felt compelled to share the message of the gospel with others, and I began to see opportunities to do so everywhere I looked.

God's Promises

As I reflect on that experience now, many years later, I am reminded of the promises that God has made to his people throughout the Bible. In Jeremiah 29:11, God says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

God has a plan for each one of us, and it is a good plan. He wants us to prosper, to have hope, and to have a future. But in order to experience this plan, we must be willing to listen to his voice and to follow his lead.


My experience of hearing God's voice was a life-changing moment that I will never forget. It was a reminder that God is alive and active in the world today, and that he still speaks to his people. It was also a reminder that God has a plan for my life, and that if I am willing to listen to his voice and to follow his lead, he will guide me every step of the way.

I encourage you to be open to hearing God's voice in your own life. Whether it is through reading the Bible, prayer, or some other means, God wants to communicate with you. He has a plan for your life, and he wants to reveal it to you. All you have to do is be willing to listen.

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