From Lukewarm Christianity to Vibrant Faith: My Journey of Transformation

I used to think I was a Christian. I believed that I had a personal relationship with God and that I would be welcomed into heaven when I died. But as it turned out, I was wrong.

For years, I convinced myself that I was safe from God's wrath. I didn't curse or engage in promiscuous behavior, and I attended church regularly. In my mind, these actions made me a Christian.

I would proudly proclaim that Jesus died for my sins and sang the songs of worship at church. I would offer prayers before meals and give credit to God for my athletic accomplishments. I believed that these actions made me a follower of Christ.

But deep down, I knew that something was missing. God was not the center of my life. I rarely read His word or spent time in prayer. I secretly loved sin and found holiness to be boring. I didn't live out my faith in public or private. But I reassured myself that I was only human and that no one is perfect.

Little did I know that my lukewarm faith was dangerous. I had no idea that there were people who believed they were followers of Christ but would be rejected by Him on judgment day. I didn't realize that being lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, would result in being spit out by God.

I had created a category in my mind where I compared myself to others to justify my complacency. I looked down on those who were "lesser" Christians, using their shortcomings to feel better about myself. And when I encountered genuine believers, I dismissed them as Christian all-stars, thinking that their level of devotion was unattainable for someone like me.

I refused to confront the truth that was right in front of me – the Bible. I neglected to read God's word, allowing it to collect dust in my room. But when God intervened, He led me to His word and saved me.

As I started reading the Bible, I discovered that being a Christian meant being born again and loving Jesus above all else. It meant truly drawing near to God with my heart, not just with empty words. I realized that I could study the Scriptures but still refuse to go to Jesus and have life.

I learned that no matter how good I tried to be, I could never earn God's favor. I couldn't please Him while living in the flesh. I saw that I was cursed for not loving Jesus and that the punishment for my lack of devotion would be eternal torment.

Through the Bible, I also realized that God is not desperate for our companionship. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords, and every knee will bow before Him. I understood that I was created for His glory, not the other way around.

The Bible also revealed that if I remained lukewarm, God would spit me out of His mouth. But amidst all of this, there was also incredible news – Jesus died for sinners like me. Despite my sin and apathy, God's grace was available to me. Jesus came for the sick, not the well.

The Bible invited me to come and be satisfied in God if I was thirsty and weary. It promised that God would provide rich food, give life, and make an everlasting covenant with me through His Son. It assured me that if I returned to God for pardon, He would be near and offer absolute forgiveness and joy beyond my imagination.

If you find yourself in a lukewarm state, there is still hope. The invitation to repent, believe, and rejoice is available to you. God's grace is greater than your shortcomings, and He longs to have a personal relationship with you.

In conclusion, my journey from lukewarm Christianity to a vibrant faith in God was a result of encountering His word. The Bible exposed my complacency and revealed the truth about who God is and what it means to be a follower of Christ. If you are in a lukewarm state, I encourage you to turn to God's word and allow it to transform your life. Don't settle for a mediocre faith when God offers so much more.
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