Finding Refuge in God: Seeking Deliverance and Purpose

Lord, Deliver Me from Myself

In today's fast-paced and demanding world, it's easy to get caught up in the chaos and lose sight of what truly matters. We often find ourselves overwhelmed by our own thoughts, emotions, and desires, desperately searching for a way out. In moments like these, we need a refuge, a place of safety and protection.

Take Refuge in God

As the psalmist wrote in Psalm 16:1, "Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge." These words resonate deeply within our souls, for they express the cry of our hearts. We long to be preserved, to be kept safe from harm and danger. And where better to find refuge than in the arms of our loving Creator?

When we take refuge in God, we acknowledge our need for Him and surrender our own strength and control. It is an act of humility, recognizing that we cannot save ourselves. Just as a child runs to their parent for protection, we run to our Heavenly Father, knowing that He is our ultimate source of security.

Seeking Safety and Protection

But what does it mean to seek safety and protection in God? Is it merely a passive act of hiding away from the world? No, it is much more than that. Seeking safety and protection in God means actively placing our trust in Him, aligning our thoughts, emotions, and desires with His will.

Thomas Ken's "Evening Hymn" beautifully captures this sentiment:

All praise to thee, my God, this night

For all the blessing of the light.

Keep me, O keep me, King of kings

Beneath thine own almighty wings.

This hymn reminds us to praise God for His blessings and to seek His protection throughout the night. It echoes the psalmist's plea to be kept under God's almighty wings, a powerful image of shelter and security.

A Childlike Faith

As we seek refuge in God, we are invited to approach Him with a childlike faith. Jesus Himself said, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 18:3).

This childlike faith is marked by simplicity, trust, and dependence. It is the faith of a child who knows that their parent will protect and provide for them. It is a faith that says, "Preserve me, because I'm frightened and I'm here and my eyes are looking to you."

When we come before God with this childlike faith, we are acknowledging our vulnerability and need for Him. We are surrendering our own self-sufficiency and entrusting ourselves to His care. And in doing so, we find peace and rest for our weary souls.

Finding Deliverance

But what does it mean to be delivered? Is it simply a one-time event, or is it an ongoing process? The Bible offers insight into both aspects of deliverance.

An Ongoing Process

Deliverance is not a one-time event that magically solves all our problems. It is an ongoing process of transformation and growth. The apostle Paul encourages us in Romans 12:2 to "be transformed by the renewal of your mind." This transformation happens as we continually seek God, renew our minds with His truth, and allow His Spirit to work in us.

Deliverance also involves the pursuit of holiness. In 1 Peter 1:16, we are called to be holy as God is holy. This means that we actively strive to live in obedience to His commandments and to align our lives with His character.

Furthermore, deliverance requires us to resist temptation and flee from sin. James 4:7 tells us to "submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." We have a role to play in our own deliverance, and that involves making choices that honor God and reject sin.

A One-Time Event

While deliverance is an ongoing process, there are also moments of breakthrough and liberation that can be seen as one-time events. These are moments when God intervenes in a powerful way, setting us free from bondage and restoring us to wholeness.

The story of the Israelites being delivered from slavery in Egypt is a powerful example of this. God performed miraculous signs and wonders, ultimately leading His people out of bondage and into freedom. This deliverance was a definitive moment in their history, marking a new beginning for the nation of Israel.

In our own lives, we may experience similar moments of deliverance. It could be a moment of repentance and surrender, a moment of healing and restoration, or a moment of breakthrough in a long-standing struggle. These moments remind us of God's power and faithfulness, and they serve as milestones in our journey of deliverance.

Delivered for a Purpose

As we seek refuge in God and experience His deliverance, we must remember that we are not delivered for our own sake alone. God has a purpose for our deliverance, a purpose that extends beyond ourselves.

Called to Serve

God's deliverance sets us free from the bondage of sin and self-centeredness so that we can live lives of purpose and service. In Galatians 5:13, Paul writes, "For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another."

We are called to use our freedom to serve others, to love and care for those around us. Our deliverance is not meant to be hoarded or kept to ourselves; it is meant to be shared and multiplied. As we extend God's grace and love to others, we become channels of His deliverance in their lives as well.

Bringing Hope to the World

Furthermore, our deliverance is a testimony to the world of God's power and love. In 1 Peter 2:9, we are described as "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

Through our lives and testimonies, we have the opportunity to proclaim God's excellencies and bring hope to a world in need. Our deliverance is not just for our personal benefit; it is a powerful tool for evangelism and a means of pointing others to the life-transforming power of Jesus Christ.


As we navigate the challenges and uncertainties of life, let us continually seek refuge in God and cry out to Him, "Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge." Let us approach Him with a childlike faith, surrendering our own self-sufficiency and entrusting ourselves to His care.

May we also remember that deliverance is both an ongoing process and a series of one-time events. Let us actively participate in our own deliverance, pursuing holiness, resisting temptation, and renewing our minds with God's truth.

Finally, let us recognize that our deliverance is not for our own sake alone. We are called to serve others and bring hope to the world through our lives and testimonies. May we be channels of God's deliverance, extending His grace and love to those around us.

As we do these things, we will experience the fullness of God's deliverance and find true freedom in Him.

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