Finding Peace in God's Presence: The One Necessary Thing

When we pause to reflect on the existence of God, it is truly awe-inspiring. He created everything out of nothing, sustains all things with just a word, governs every government on earth, and even entered into his creation as Jesus Christ to save us from our sins. Despite this, it is puzzling how we often neglect and ignore him in our daily lives.

We live in a world where distractions are abundant. Our phones, social media, work, and various responsibilities constantly vie for our attention. In the midst of all this, we often forget to make time for God. We struggle to find even ten minutes to sit in his presence and enjoy his company.

This phenomenon is not new. Even in biblical times, people were easily distracted from following Jesus. We can sympathize with Martha, who was consumed by anxiety and worry. When Jesus came to her home, she was busy serving and preparing food while her sister Mary sat at Jesus' feet, listening to his words.

Martha's serving was not the issue; it was her anxiety that consumed her. Jesus recognized this and gently told her, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things." Her mind was racing with worries and concerns, preventing her from finding peace and calm in Jesus' presence.

We can all relate to Martha's struggle with anxiety. In today's fast-paced world, we often find ourselves overwhelmed by numerous worries and fears. But Jesus knows how to calm the storms of anxiety in our hearts. He lovingly calls out Martha's name twice, slowing down his voice to quiet the turbulence within her. He helps her focus by telling her that while she is troubled about many things, only one thing is necessary.

In a world that constantly bombards us with urgent tasks and responsibilities, Jesus reminds us that only one thing truly matters – knowing, obeying, and enjoying him. He echoes the sentiment expressed by King David in Psalm 27:4, where David declares that dwelling in the house of the Lord and gazing upon his beauty is the one thing he seeks after.

Satan, however, tries to make everything else feel more urgent than sitting down with Jesus. He wants us to prioritize our worries, deadlines, and social media drama over spending time in God's presence. But Jesus reassures us that only one thing is necessary, not just for today, but for every day – knowing, obeying, and enjoying him.

Choosing this one necessary thing does not mean sacrificing happiness or fulfillment. Mary understood this when she chose to sit at Jesus' feet. She received the good portion – an overflowing well of peace, hope, and joy. By choosing Jesus, she found contentment and satisfaction that no person or circumstance could take away from her.

We often find ourselves drinking from broken cisterns, seeking fulfillment in worldly pursuits that only leave us thirsty. Fear of what others think or the pressures of life can oppress us, making us believe that we need to prioritize everything except sitting at Jesus' feet. But the truth is, the good portion that Jesus offers us will never be taken away.

The Bible reassures us that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. No matter what trials or challenges we face, we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. Our pursuit of knowing and enjoying Jesus is not only necessary and fulfilling, but it also provides us with security and assurance.

So, if the cares of this world have distracted you from sitting at the feet of Jesus, take a moment to listen to his voice calling your name. He invites you to experience the one necessary thing – the one thing that will truly satisfy your soul. Make time to sit with God today and every day, knowing that in his presence, you will find peace, joy, and an unshakable love.
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