Factors That Make Any Marriage Difficult: Sin, Expectations, Communication, Finances, and Time

What Makes Any Marriage Difficult?

Marriage is one of the most beautiful and challenging relationships that two people can enter into. It is a covenant between two individuals who have chosen to love and serve one another for the rest of their lives. However, despite the best intentions, every marriage has its unique set of difficulties and struggles.

As a married couple, my wife and I have experienced our fair share of challenges. We have learned that marriage is not simply a bed of roses, but rather a journey that requires perseverance, patience, and grace. Through our experiences, we have discovered several factors that make any marriage difficult.

1. Sin

One of the most significant factors that make any marriage difficult is sin. The Bible teaches that every human being is born with a sinful nature (Romans 3:23). This sin nature can manifest itself in many ways, including selfishness, pride, anger, and jealousy. When two sinful individuals come together in marriage, their sin nature can clash, resulting in conflict and strife.

As a married couple, my wife and I have learned how to sin against each other. We know how to inflict pain with our words, actions, and attitudes. Our marriage has revealed more about us in our sin than even we knew about ourselves. We have come to realize that our natural tendency to sin against each other is a result of our sinful nature.

However, the Bible also teaches us that there is hope for our sin. Through faith in Jesus Christ, we can be forgiven and transformed (Romans 6:23). As a married couple, we have learned to rely on God's grace to help us overcome our sin and love each other selflessly.

2. Expectations

Another factor that can make any marriage difficult is unmet expectations. When two people get married, they bring with them a set of expectations about what marriage should look like. These expectations can be influenced by cultural norms, family traditions, and personal experiences.

However, it is essential to recognize that each person's expectations may differ. One spouse may expect their partner to be more affectionate, while the other may expect their partner to be more practical. When these expectations are not met, it can lead to frustration and disappointment.

As a married couple, my wife and I have learned to communicate our expectations openly and honestly. We have realized that it is impossible for either of us to meet all of the expectations that the other has. Therefore, we have had to learn to be flexible and patient with each other. We have also learned to prioritize our expectations and focus on what is most important.

3. Communication

Communication is another significant factor that can make any marriage difficult. Effective communication is essential for any relationship to thrive, but it can be particularly challenging in marriage. Each spouse has their unique communication style, which can be influenced by personality, upbringing, and culture.

Additionally, communication can be affected by emotional factors such as stress, fatigue, and anxiety. When communication breaks down, it can lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and conflict.

As a married couple, my wife and I have learned to prioritize communication. We have discovered that effective communication requires active listening, empathy, and vulnerability. We have also learned to give each other grace when communication breaks down. We have realized that communication is a skill that requires practice and patience.

4. Finances

Finances can also make any marriage difficult. Money is a significant source of stress for many individuals and families. When two people get married, they bring together their financial histories, habits, and goals. These differences can lead to conflict and tension.

Additionally, financial stressors such as debt, job loss, and unexpected expenses can put a strain on the marriage. When finances are not managed well, it can lead to resentment, mistrust, and even divorce.

As a married couple, my wife and I have learned to manage our finances together. We have realized that financial management requires open communication, transparency, and compromise. We have also learned to prioritize our spending and save for the future. We have discovered that financial security is not just about the amount of money we have, but also about our attitude towards money.

5. Time Management

Time management is another factor that can make any marriage difficult. In today's fast-paced world, it can be challenging to balance work, family, and personal life. When two people get married, they must learn to manage their time effectively to prioritize their relationship.

Additionally, time management can be affected by personality differences. One spouse may be more spontaneous, while the other may prefer structure and routine. These differences can lead to conflict and tension.

As a married couple, my wife and I have learned to prioritize our time together. We have realized that time is a precious commodity that we cannot get back. We have learned to communicate our needs and preferences and work together to find a balance that works for both of us. We have also learned to be flexible and adaptable when unexpected events arise.


Marriage is a beautiful and challenging relationship that requires perseverance, patience, and grace. As a married couple, my wife and I have experienced our fair share of difficulties and struggles. However, we have also discovered that these challenges can be overcome with the help of God's grace.

The factors that make any marriage difficult, including sin, expectations, communication, finances, and time management, can be addressed with open communication, empathy, and compromise. Additionally, prioritizing our relationship with God and seeking His guidance can help us navigate the challenges of marriage.

As the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 4:12, "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." With God at the center of our marriage, we can overcome any difficulty and emerge stronger and more united.

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