Embracing Your Unique Design: Fulfilling Your Calling in Christ

Jesus Wants You to Be You

Jesus Wants You to Be You

Have you ever wondered if you are truly living out your purpose in life? Do you sometimes compare yourself to others and feel inadequate? It's a common struggle many people face. But here's the good news: Jesus wants you to be you. He created you with a unique purpose and calling, and he desires for you to embrace and fulfill that calling.

Embracing Your Unique Design

When God created you, he had a specific plan in mind. You are not a mistake or an accident. Psalm 139:13-14 says, "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." This means that every aspect of your being was intentionally designed by God. Your personality, talents, and passions are all part of God's purpose for your life.

Instead of comparing yourself to others, embrace who God made you to be. Just as each part of the body has a unique function, so do you. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, the Apostle Paul compares the church to a body, with each member playing a vital role. He emphasizes that every part is necessary and valuable. You have a specific role to fulfill within the body of Christ, and that role can't be filled by anyone else.

Overcoming the Comparison Trap

Comparing ourselves to others is a dangerous trap that can rob us of joy and hinder our effectiveness in fulfilling God's calling. When we look at others and wish we had their gifts or opportunities, we undermine our own unique calling. Jesus addressed this temptation directly in John 21.

After Jesus' resurrection, he appeared to his disciples and had a conversation with Peter. Jesus revealed to Peter that he would face difficulties in his calling. Peter, perhaps feeling overwhelmed, looked at John and asked, "Lord, what about this man?" In other words, Peter was comparing himself to John and wondering why his calling seemed more challenging. But Jesus responded, "What is that to you? You follow me!" (John 21:22).

Jesus' response is a powerful reminder for us today. We are not called to compare ourselves to others but to follow Jesus faithfully in our own unique calling. We are each given different gifts, opportunities, and challenges. Instead of feeling inadequate or envious of others, we should focus on cultivating a deep relationship with Jesus and using our gifts to serve him and others.

Fulfilling Your Calling

So how can you fulfill your unique calling? Here are a few practical steps:

  1. Seek God's guidance: Spend time in prayer and seek God's direction for your life. Ask him to reveal his purpose for you and to guide you in fulfilling it.

  2. Discover your gifts: Take time to identify your talents, passions, and spiritual gifts. These are clues to understanding your calling.

  3. Develop your gifts: Once you've identified your gifts, invest time and effort into developing them. Take courses, seek mentorship, and practice using your gifts in different contexts.

  4. Be faithful in small things: Don't despise small beginnings. Sometimes, God uses the small and seemingly insignificant tasks to prepare us for greater things. Be faithful in whatever God has placed before you.

  5. Serve others: Use your gifts to serve others and build up the body of Christ. Look for opportunities to bless and encourage those around you. When we serve others, we reflect the love of Christ and fulfill our calling.


As you embark on the journey of fulfilling your unique calling, remember that Jesus wants you to be you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, with a purpose that only you can fulfill. Embrace your uniqueness, overcome the comparison trap, and seek to faithfully follow Jesus in your calling. Trust that God will equip and empower you to fulfill the purpose for which he created you.

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