Dreaming Great Things at 70: Inspiring Lessons from Hillary, Bernie, and Donald

Dreaming Great Things in 2023: Hillary, Bernie, Donald, and Me

As I sit here at the age of 70, I am filled with an energizing hope for the future. Why, you may ask? Because this year, in 2023, Hillary Clinton turns 69, Bernie Sanders turns 75, and Donald Trump turns 70. It's truly remarkable to think that these individuals, despite their differing policies and characters, all share a common desire to spend their seventies taking on the hardest job in the world.

This fact alone fills me with awe and wonder. It goes against the grain of our culture, where retirement and relaxation are typically the goals of those in their seventies. But here we have three individuals who, despite their age, are choosing to continue striving for greatness.

Now, I must clarify that I highly doubt their motivation to magnify the greatness of Jesus. Their aspirations are likely driven by personal ambition and a desire for power. And yet, I can't help but find their pursuit inspiring. It serves as a reminder that age should never be a barrier to dreaming big and making a difference.

A Biblical Perspective on Aging

As a Christian, I find it helpful to consider what the Bible has to say about aging and our purpose in life. The Scriptures tell us that our lives are fleeting, like a vapor that appears for a moment and then vanishes (James 4:14). However, this does not mean that we should simply resign ourselves to a life of idleness as we grow older.

In fact, the Bible speaks of the value and wisdom that comes with age. Proverbs 16:31 tells us that "gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life." This verse reminds us that as we age, we have the opportunity to grow in wisdom and become a source of guidance and inspiration for others.

Furthermore, the Bible teaches us that our purpose in life is to love and serve others. In Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus tells us that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. This commandment applies to every stage of life, including our senior years.

The Power of Purpose

So, what does all of this mean for us in 2023 and beyond? It means that we should never underestimate the power of purpose, regardless of our age. Just as Hillary, Bernie, and Donald have chosen to continue pursuing their ambitions, we too should strive to make a difference in the world.

But what exactly does it mean to dream great things and make a difference? It could be as simple as volunteering at a local charity, mentoring young people, or using our skills and talents to benefit others. The key is to find something that ignites our passion and aligns with our values.

As we age, we may face physical limitations and new challenges. However, these should not deter us from pursuing our dreams. Instead, they can serve as opportunities for growth and resilience. Just as a tree grows stronger as it weathers storms, we too can become stronger through the challenges we face.

Finding Inspiration in the Scriptures

When we feel discouraged or unsure about our purpose in life, we can turn to the Scriptures for guidance and inspiration. One verse that particularly speaks to me is Philippians 3:14, which says, "I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

This verse reminds us that our ultimate goal is not worldly success or fame, but rather the prize of knowing and serving God. It encourages us to press on, even in the face of adversity or doubt, knowing that our efforts are not in vain.

In addition to Philippians 3:14, there are many other verses in the Bible that can provide comfort and encouragement as we seek to make a difference in the world. Psalm 71:18 reminds us to "declare God's power to the next generation, his mighty acts to all who are to come." And in Ecclesiastes 12:1, we are urged to "remember your Creator in the days of your youth."

Embracing the Future with Hope

As we look ahead to the future, it's important to remember that our dreams and aspirations are not limited by our age. We have the power to make a difference, no matter how old we are. Just as Hillary, Bernie, and Donald have shown us, our seventies can be a time of great purpose and impact.

So let's embrace the future with hope and a determination to dream great things. Let's use our skills, experiences, and passions to make a positive difference in the lives of others. And let's never forget that our ultimate purpose is to love and serve God, bringing glory to His name in all that we do.

Whether you're in your seventies, like Hillary, Bernie, and Donald, or in a different stage of life, I encourage you to dream big and pursue your passions. Don't let age or any other obstacle hold you back. The world needs your unique gifts and contributions, now more than ever.

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