Discovering the Infinite Greatness of God: A Journey to Intimacy

God is the most important person who exists. This is because he is the creator of all other beings, and any importance they have is due to him. He is the source of strength, intelligence, skill, and beauty. In every aspect of excellence, he surpasses any person we have ever known or heard of. His greatness is infinite, and therefore, he is endlessly intriguing. It is impossible for God to be boring. He continually demonstrates his intelligence and interest through his actions.

As the source of every good pleasure, God himself is fully and finally pleasing. If we do not experience him in this way, it means we are either spiritually dead, spiritually blind, or spiritually sleepwalking. It is astonishing, then, how little effort is often put into truly knowing God. It is as if the President of the United States came to live with us for a month, and we only greeted him in passing each day. Or as if we were taken on a high-speed tour around the sun and the solar system, but instead of looking out the window, we played a computer game. Or as if we were invited to witness the best performances by actors, singers, athletes, inventors, and scholars, but we declined in order to watch a television soap opera.

Let us pray together that our infinitely great God would incline our hearts and open our eyes to see him as fully as we can and seek to know him more.

When we look at the Bible, we see numerous references to God's greatness. In Job 36:26, it says, "Behold, God is great, and we know him not; the number of his years is unsearchable." This verse reminds us that God's greatness is beyond our comprehension. His years are unsearchable, indicating his eternal nature. He has existed for all eternity and will continue to exist forever. This is a concept that our finite minds struggle to grasp.

In Psalm 145:3, it says, "Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised, and his greatness is unsearchable." Here, we see that God's greatness is worthy of our praise. It is so immense and beyond our understanding that it cannot be fully explored or comprehended. We can only scratch the surface of his greatness and stand in awe of his majesty.

Another verse that highlights God's greatness is Psalm 147:5, which says, "Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure." This verse emphasizes God's power and knowledge. He is not only great in his being, but he also possesses unlimited power and wisdom. His understanding is beyond measure, indicating that he knows all things and is aware of every detail of our lives.

In Isaiah 40:12, it says, "Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and marked off the heavens with a span, enclosed the dust of the earth in a measure and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance?" This verse paints a vivid picture of God's greatness. It shows that he is in control of all creation. He holds the waters in the hollow of his hand, measures the heavens with a span, and weighs the mountains and hills. This imagery demonstrates the vastness of his power and authority.

When we truly grasp the greatness of God, it should change the way we approach him. We should be in awe of his majesty and seek to know him more. We should not take him for granted or treat him as a casual acquaintance. Instead, we should desire to have a deep and intimate relationship with him.

So how can we come to know God more intimately? One way is through studying his Word, the Bible. The Bible is God's revelation of himself to us. It is a treasure trove of information about who God is and what he has done. As we read and study the Bible, we learn more about God's character, his attributes, and his works. We see his faithfulness, his love, his justice, and his mercy. We see how he has interacted with people throughout history and how he desires to have a relationship with us.

In addition to studying the Bible, we can also come to know God more intimately through prayer. Prayer is not just about asking God for things; it is also about communing with him and seeking his presence. Through prayer, we can express our love for God, thank him for his blessings, confess our sins, and seek his guidance and wisdom. It is through prayer that we can experience the reality of God's presence in our lives.

Furthermore, we can come to know God more intimately by reflecting on his creation. The beauty and intricacy of the natural world point to a Creator who is infinitely wise and powerful. As we observe the wonders of nature, we can be reminded of God's greatness and be drawn closer to him.

Ultimately, knowing God is a lifelong journey. We will never fully exhaust the depths of his greatness. But as we seek to know him more, we will experience the joy and satisfaction that comes from having a deep and intimate relationship with the most important person who exists. So let us not waste our time on trivial pursuits or distractions. Instead, let us devote ourselves to knowing and worshiping the God who is infinitely great.
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