Discovering God's Most Repeated Command: The Path to True Happiness

What if I told you that the most repeated command in the Bible is not about following rules or avoiding sin? What if I told you that God's most repeated command is for us to be happy? It may sound surprising, but it's true. Throughout the Bible, in various ways, God commands us to "praise the Lord," "do not be afraid," "rejoice," and "give thanks" – all of which are essentially commands to be happy.

Now, before you dismiss this idea as trivial or unrealistic, let it sink in for a moment. God wants us to experience true and deep happiness, not just in some distant future or when our circumstances improve. He wants us to taste real joy today, in this very moment.

I understand that life can be filled with trials and suffering. The Bible acknowledges the reality of sin, sorrow, grief, pain, betrayal, failure, fear, horror, and wretchedness. But amidst all of this, God's dominant theme is joy. He wants us to know the kind of hope that can produce joy even in the midst of our pain and sorrow.

Why does God repeat the command to be happy so often? Well, when God repeats himself, it's because he wants us to pay attention. Repetition implies importance. The most repeated commands in the Bible are means of obeying the most important commandments. God wants us to love him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbors as ourselves. And here's the amazing part – pursuing our own happiness is not a sacrifice we make for the sake of loving God and others. It is, in fact, a part of fulfilling those commandments.

Let's take a closer look at four oft-repeated commands in Scripture and explore what God truly wants from us.

1. "Praise the Lord"

When God commands us to praise him, he wants us to do more than just offer empty words. He wants us to truly see the glory of who he is and be filled with awe and delight. Our praise not only glorifies God but also points others to the same glory and delight. When we praise God, we are loving him, loving others, and experiencing true happiness.

2. "Do Not Fear"

When God commands us to not be afraid, he wants us to meditate on his promises until our fear dissipates and our courage rises. This bold and confident trust in God not only expresses our love for him but also fills us with hope that overflows to others. We can comfort and encourage others with the same comfort and courage we have received from God.

3. "Rejoice"

God commands us to rejoice because he wants us to remember that nothing can separate us from his love, that he works all things for our good, and that he will ultimately bring us safely into his heavenly kingdom. Rejoicing in God's sovereignty and resting in his promises allows us to love him and others even in the midst of difficulties and trials.

4. "Give Thanks"

When God commands us to give thanks, he's not looking for superficial gratitude. He wants us to shift our focus from the things that frustrate, disappoint, and discourage us and instead see his abundant grace in every circumstance. When we truly see and trust in God's grace, thankfulness rises within us, pushing out negativity and grumbling. This gratitude-inspired peace overflows to others, helping them overcome their own temptations to complain.

Once we grasp the significance of these commands, we begin to see that God's desire for our happiness is woven throughout all of his commands. Faith-filled obedience leads to joy. God only commands us what will ultimately bring us true happiness. His commandments are not burdensome but rather a pathway to loving, enjoying, and praising him forever.

The psalmist David understood this secret code and expressed his love for God's commands:

"The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;
The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.
Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward" (Psalm 19:7–11).

God's commands are more desirable than gold because they bring us greater happiness than any earthly treasure. Keeping his commands leads to a great reward – loving, enjoying, admiring, praising, thanking, and rejoicing in God forever.

So, let's embrace God's most repeated command and pursue true happiness. Let's praise him, trust him, rejoice in him, and give thanks to him. Let's find joy even in the midst of trials and sorrows, knowing that God's commands are not burdensome but a pathway to a life filled with happiness and peace. May the God of hope fill us with all joy and peace as we believe in him, now and forever.
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