Desiring Purity: Overcoming Impurity in a World of Temptation

Do You Wish to be Pure? - Desiring God

Do You Wish to be Pure?


Life often presents us with difficult challenges. Athletes persevere through immense pain and sacrifice to achieve victory. Surgeons perform complex operations to save lives. Soldiers confront seemingly insurmountable odds to protect their nations. Mothers endure excruciating pain to bring new life into the world.

Similarly, Jesus calls us to do the impossible. He commands us to step out of our comfort zones and trust in His power. Just as Peter walked on water at Jesus's command (Matthew 14:29), and Lazarus rose from the dead when Jesus called him forth (John 11:38–44), we too are called to accomplish extraordinary feats through the power of Christ.

The Call to Purity

One such command Jesus gives us is to be pure (Matthew 5:8). In a world saturated with impurity and temptation, maintaining purity can feel like an insurmountable task. We may feel discouraged, wondering if it is even possible to win the battle for purity. Yet, Jesus's question to a lame man, "Do you want to be healed?" (John 5:6), applies to us as well. Do we truly desire purity, even when it seems impossible?

The Power to Overcome

Although the task of attaining purity may appear daunting, we must remember that Jesus does not simply command us; He also empowers us to obey. Rather than relying solely on our own strength, we can rely on the power of the Holy Spirit working within us (Philippians 2:13).

Through the Holy Spirit, we are given the strength and guidance to resist temptation and pursue purity. Just as Jesus overcame every temptation in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1–11), we too can overcome the allure of impurity and walk in holiness. It is not a battle we fight alone, but one fought alongside the victorious Christ.

Biblical Examples of Purity

The Bible provides numerous examples of individuals who pursued purity amidst challenging circumstances. Joseph, when faced with the advances of Potiphar's wife, chose to flee rather than succumb to impurity (Genesis 39:7–12). Daniel and his companions stood firm in their commitment to purity, even when tempted with lavish food and drink (Daniel 1:8–16). These individuals serve as inspiration and reminders that purity is not an unattainable ideal, but a path that can be walked with determination and reliance on God's strength.

Furthermore, Jesus Himself exemplified perfect purity throughout His earthly life. Despite being tempted in every way, He remained sinless (Hebrews 4:15). His purity was not a result of mere self-discipline, but a reflection of His perfect nature as the Son of God. In following His example, we can strive for purity with the understanding that it is ultimately Christ who enables us to walk in righteousness.

Steps Towards Purity

While the call to purity may seem overwhelming, it is important to remember that sanctification is a process. It requires active participation on our part, as well as reliance on the Holy Spirit. Here are some practical steps we can take towards pursuing purity:

1. Guard your mind and heart

Be intentional about what you allow into your mind and heart. Avoid exposure to impure content and surround yourself with positive influences. Fill your mind with God's Word and meditate on His truth (Philippians 4:8).

2. Cultivate a vibrant prayer life

Prayer is a powerful tool in our pursuit of purity. Regularly spend time in prayer, seeking God's guidance, strength, and forgiveness. Invite the Holy Spirit to work in your life and empower you to resist temptation (Matthew 6:13).

3. Seek accountability

Find a trusted friend or mentor who can provide support and hold you accountable in your journey towards purity. Share your struggles and victories with them, and allow them to speak truth into your life (Proverbs 27:17).

4. Renew your mind daily

Make a habit of renewing your mind with God's Word each day. Study and meditate on Scripture, allowing it to transform your thoughts and attitudes (Romans 12:2).

5. Practice self-discipline

Develop self-discipline in areas where you are prone to temptation. Make intentional choices to avoid situations that may lead to impurity and replace unhealthy habits with godly ones (1 Corinthians 9:27).


Pursuing purity in a world filled with impurity is undoubtedly challenging. However, with the power of Christ within us, we can overcome every temptation and walk in holiness. Remember that purity is not an unattainable ideal, but a journey that requires our active participation and reliance on the Holy Spirit. Let us embrace the call to purity, knowing that we have been empowered by Christ to live lives that reflect His perfect purity.

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