Demonic Influence: How to Counteract Satan's Schemes

Satan's Influence: How Demons Get a Hold on You

When it comes to demons, there is much we don't know. The Bible mentions them, but does not provide extensive details about their history or nature. Perhaps God has His reasons for keeping us in the dark about this topic. However, there are certain truths we can glean from Scripture that can help us better understand the influence of demons in our lives and how to counteract their schemes.

The Opposition of Demons

One thing we know for certain is that demons oppose the kingdom of God. In Luke 11:14-23, Jesus encounters a man who is demon-possessed and blind, and He casts out the demon, restoring the man's sight. The religious leaders, however, accuse Jesus of using demonic power to perform this miracle. Jesus responds by highlighting the inconsistency of Satan's kingdom being divided against itself. He affirms that it is by the finger of God that He casts out demons, revealing that His power comes from the Holy Spirit and not from demonic forces.

This passage teaches us that demons actively work against God's purposes. They seek to hinder the spread of the gospel and deceive people into following their own destructive ways. As believers, we need to be aware of this opposition and resist it by aligning ourselves with God's truth and relying on the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Deceptive Tactics of Demons

Another aspect of demonic influence is their deceitful nature. In 2 Timothy 2:26, Paul writes about those who have been ensnared by the devil, saying that they have been taken captive by him to do his will. This reveals that demons have the ability to manipulate and control individuals, leading them astray from God's will.

Demons often operate in subtle and deceptive ways, tempting us to compromise our faith or indulge in sinful behaviors. They distort the truth and plant seeds of doubt, causing us to question God's goodness and faithfulness. Their goal is to separate us from a vibrant relationship with God and hinder our spiritual growth.

However, as believers, we have the power to reject their lies and stand firm in the truth of God's Word. We can resist their influence by putting on the armor of God, as described in Ephesians 6:10-18. This includes the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit (which is the Word of God), and prayer. These spiritual weapons enable us to effectively counteract the schemes of the devil and his demons.

Demonic Possession

While demonic possession may seem like a topic reserved for horror movies, the Bible does acknowledge its existence. In Luke 8:26-39, Jesus encounters a man who is possessed by a legion of demons. These demons have such a strong influence over the man that they drive him to live among tombs and torment him physically and mentally.

This account demonstrates the extreme level to which demons can gain control over a person's life. However, it also highlights the power and authority of Jesus to set people free from demonic oppression. Jesus commands the legion of demons to come out of the man, and they obey Him. The man is then restored to his right mind and becomes a witness to the power of Christ.

While cases of demonic possession may not be as prevalent today as they were during Jesus' earthly ministry, it is important to recognize that demons still seek to influence and control individuals. They may not take physical possession, but they can still exert their influence over our thoughts, emotions, and actions.

Protection Against Demonic Influence

So how do we protect ourselves against demonic influence? The primary focus should not be on obsessing over demons, but rather on cultivating a deep relationship with God. Our best defense is to be preoccupied with God rather than demons.

James 4:7-8 provides valuable insight on this matter: "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you."

To resist the devil, we must first submit ourselves to God. This involves surrendering our lives to Him and seeking to live in obedience to His Word. As we draw near to God through prayer, worship, and the study of Scripture, we invite His presence and power into our lives. In His presence, the influence of demons diminishes, and we are strengthened to resist their schemes.


While there is much we may not fully understand about demons, we can take comfort in knowing that God has given us the tools to resist their influence. By aligning ourselves with the truth of God's Word, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit, and cultivating a deep relationship with God, we can effectively counteract the schemes of the devil and experience the freedom and victory found in Christ.

So, let us not be consumed by fear of demons, but rather let us be consumed by our love for God. As we focus on Him and His truth, we will find the strength and protection we need to navigate the spiritual battles we may face in this year 2023 and beyond.

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