Cultivating Assurance: How God Gives Confidence in the Christian Life

How God Gives Assurance - Desiring God

How God Gives Assurance

Are you unsure about your faith? Do you question whether you are truly a Christian? These doubts can cause great anxiety and confusion, but you are not alone in this struggle. In this article, we will dive into the topic of assurance and how God cultivates it in the Christian life.

God's Desire for Assurance

God desires to give His children the gift of "the full assurance of faith" (Hebrews 10:22). This assurance brings deep peace and consolation to our souls, and God wants us to experience it. He wants us to have confidence in our relationship with Him and the hope of eternal life.

The Process of Cultivating Assurance

Like most things in the Christian life, assurance is something that is cultivated and grows deeper and stronger over time. It is not an instant or one-time event. According to John Newton, a wise soul-shepherd, God gives assurance gradually through frequent testing.

Assurance grows through repeated conflict and our experimental proof of the Lord's power and goodness to save. It is in our moments of being brought low and then helped, when we are sorely wounded and healed, cast down and raised again, that we begin to see the faithfulness of God. These experiences of being snatched from danger and placed in safety build our trust in Him.

When we face trials and temptations, we often feel weak and helpless. But it is in these moments that God's strength and deliverance become evident. As we lean on Him and experience His faithfulness in our lives, our assurance grows stronger.

Biblical Examples of Assurance

The Bible is filled with examples of individuals who struggled with doubts and found assurance in God. One such example is the story of Job. Despite his immense suffering and questioning, Job ultimately found assurance in the sovereignty and wisdom of God.

Another example is the apostle Paul. In his letter to the Romans, Paul writes about the struggles of the Christian life and the assurance that comes through the Holy Spirit. He says, "For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, 'Abba! Father!'" (Romans 8:15).

These biblical examples remind us that assurance is not a sign of perfection but a result of our relationship with God. It is a gift that comes through His Spirit and the understanding of His character.

Developing Assurance in Your Life

If you struggle with assurance, here are some practical steps you can take to cultivate it in your life:

  1. Study and Meditate on God's Word: The Bible is the ultimate source of truth and assurance. Spend time reading and studying it, allowing its promises and truths to penetrate your heart.

  2. Pray and Seek God's Guidance: Prayer is a powerful tool for developing assurance. Seek God's guidance and ask Him to reveal His faithfulness to you.

  3. Engage in Fellowship: Surround yourself with other believers who can encourage and support you in your faith journey. Their testimonies and experiences can strengthen your own assurance.

  4. Remember God's Faithfulness: Reflect on past experiences where God has been faithful to you. Remind yourself of His goodness and trust that He will continue to be faithful in the future.

  5. Trust in God's Promises: God's promises are certain and trustworthy. Cling to them in times of doubt and uncertainty. Meditate on verses like Romans 8:28, which says, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."


Assurance is a precious gift that God desires to give His children. It is not something that comes instantly or without effort. Rather, it is cultivated through a relationship with God and through the testing of our faith. As we experience His faithfulness in our lives and trust in His promises, our assurance grows stronger.

If you are struggling with doubts and uncertainties, take heart. God is with you, and He wants to give you assurance. Seek Him, study His Word, and surround yourself with fellow believers who can support you in your journey. Trust in His faithfulness, and allow Him to cultivate assurance in your life.

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