Corona Cannot Prevail: The Enduring Church in the Face of Crisis

Corona Cannot Prevail Against the Church

Corona Cannot Prevail Against the Church

These are unprecedented days in our lifetimes, but they are not unprecedented in the life of the church. The church has endured suffering, uncertainty, and much worse before, including pandemics and persecution. It's important to remember the certainty and centrality of the church in the care of the living Christ, especially in times like these.

Let us be clear, this is not a word about being the church in the coronavirus age. This is the church’s age, not a virus’s. The church will not pass. Coronavirus will.

This world belongs to our Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. As Christ's Bride, the church has a vital role to play in this world. We must remember that it is the church, not the news media, epidemiologists, statisticians, economists, or politicians, that will endure these days, outlive this trial, and emerge stronger because of the footnote that is our present distress.

Standing on the Promises of God

In times of uncertainty, it is crucial to stand on the promises of God. The Bible is filled with passages that remind us of God's faithfulness and His care for His people. For instance, in Matthew 16:18, Jesus declares, "And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." This powerful promise from our Lord reassures us that no matter what challenges we face, the church will stand strong.

Similarly, in Romans 8:35, the apostle Paul asks, "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?" Paul goes on to affirm that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. This includes the present distress of the coronavirus pandemic. We can find comfort and hope in knowing that God's love and presence are with us, even in the midst of trials.

Moreover, in Hebrews 13:8, we read, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." This verse reminds us that no matter how the world may change, the unchanging nature of Jesus Christ and His Word remains a firm foundation for the church. We can trust in His promises and rely on His steadfast love and grace.

A Time for Reflection and Renewal

While facing the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, the church has a unique opportunity for reflection and renewal. This is a time to refocus on our mission and purpose as the body of Christ. It is a time to examine our priorities and ensure that we are faithfully living out the gospel in both word and deed.

As the body of believers, we are called to love and serve one another, to share the hope of Christ with those who are hurting, and to be a light in the darkness. This pandemic has revealed the fragility of life and the importance of community and genuine relationships. It has reminded us of the brevity of our time on earth and the urgency of proclaiming the good news of salvation.

Let us use this time to draw closer to God, to seek His face, and to intercede for our world. The church has always been called to be a people of prayer, and now more than ever, we need to fervently lift up our voices and hearts to the Lord. Let us also be a people of compassion and generosity, reaching out to those in need and demonstrating the love of Christ in practical ways.

The Church's Enduring Legacy

Throughout history, the church has faced numerous trials and challenges. Yet, through it all, the church has not only survived but thrived. The early church grew exponentially despite intense persecution. It was during times of crisis that the church's true character and faithfulness to God were most evident.

Similarly, in our present circumstances, the church has the opportunity to rise above fear and uncertainty and demonstrate unwavering trust in God. We can be a beacon of hope and a source of comfort to those around us. Our response to the pandemic can be a powerful testimony to the world of the transforming power of the gospel.

Just as a diamond is formed under intense pressure, the church can emerge from this crisis stronger and more radiant than ever before. By relying on the power of the Holy Spirit, we can adapt and innovate to reach people with the message of salvation. We can use technology to connect and engage with our congregation and to reach those who may never have stepped foot inside a church building.


In these challenging times, let us not lose sight of the timeless truth that the church is the body of Christ, called and empowered by Him. The coronavirus may be causing disruption and distress, but it cannot prevail against the church. We have the assurance of God's promises, the unchanging nature of Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit to guide us.

As we navigate through this pandemic, let us remember that the church's mission remains the same – to love God, love others, and make disciples. Let us be a source of light and hope in a dark and uncertain world. Together, as the church, we can overcome this trial and emerge stronger, united in our faith and commitment to serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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