Confessions of a Lost Christian: Understanding the Importance of Knowing the Gospel

Confessions of a Lost Christian

As a child, I had always been intrigued by the idea of following Jesus. I loved learning about him and listening to stories about his life. As a teenager, I became more vocal about my faith and tried to share the gospel with anyone who would listen. In college, I studied to become a missionary. As a private school teacher, I passionately taught the gospel to my students. As a pastor’s wife, I discipled women and worked hard to live a godly life. But despite all these efforts, I was not truly a Christian.

Rough Start to Eager Ambitions

My husband and I were pursuing a partnership with a missions agency, and our first assignment was to get involved in the local church. We set up a meeting with the pastor, hoping to get to know him and the congregation better. However, the meeting did not go as anticipated.

The pastor asked us a simple question, “What is the gospel?” We were taken aback by the question, not expecting to be quizzed on our knowledge of the gospel. We stumbled through a few words, but could not give a clear, concise answer. The pastor kindly explained the gospel to us, and it dawned on me that I did not understand the gospel message at all.

It was a humbling moment for me. I realized that I had been going through the motions of Christianity, but I did not know the very foundation of my faith. I had not truly believed in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I was lost.

Deconstructing My False Beliefs

After that encounter with the pastor, I began to deconstruct my false beliefs and started studying the Bible with fresh eyes. I saw the gospel message in a new light and finally understood what it meant to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

I had previously believed that being a Christian meant following a set of rules and regulations. I thought it was all about being a good person and doing good deeds. But I was wrong. The gospel is not about what we do, but about what Jesus has already done for us on the cross.

Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins, so that we could be reconciled with God. It is only through faith in Jesus that we can be saved and receive eternal life. This is the heart of the gospel message, and it changed everything for me.

Living as a True Christian

Once I truly understood the gospel message, my life was transformed. I no longer had to strive to be a good person or earn my salvation through good deeds. Instead, I could rest in the knowledge that I was saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

Living as a true Christian means living a life of love and obedience to Jesus Christ. It means surrendering our lives to him and following his commands. It means sharing the gospel with others and living out our faith in every aspect of our lives.

As Christians, we are called to be salt and light in the world. We are called to love our neighbors and share the hope of the gospel with them. We are called to serve others and use our gifts and talents to glorify God.

The Importance of Knowing the Gospel

Knowing the gospel is essential for every Christian. It is the foundation of our faith and the message that we are called to share with the world. Without a clear understanding of the gospel, we cannot truly live as Christians.

When we know the gospel, we are able to live with confidence and share our faith with others. We are able to stand firm in our beliefs and resist the temptation to conform to the ways of the world. We are able to experience the joy and peace that comes from knowing Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.


Confessing my lost state was a humbling experience, but it was also the beginning of my journey to truly understanding the gospel and becoming a true Christian. Knowing the gospel has transformed my life, and I now live with a sense of purpose and joy that I never knew before.

If you are unsure of your faith or have been going through the motions of Christianity without truly understanding the gospel, I encourage you to take the time to study the Bible with fresh eyes. Seek out a mentor or pastor who can guide you in your journey. And most importantly, pray for God to reveal the truth to you.

Remember, the gospel is the foundation of our faith as Christians. It is the good news that Jesus died for our sins and rose again, so that we could be saved and have eternal life. May we all know the gospel and live as true Christians, sharing the hope of the gospel with the world.

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