College Self-Discovery: Nurturing Hearts & Faith in Campus Ministry

College Doesn't Change Your Heart, It Reveals It

College Doesn't Change Your Heart, It Reveals It

Every summer my inbox fills up with emails from concerned parents, youth pastors, and older siblings. They ask me to check in on their loved ones when they arrive on campus in August. Their hope is to see these 18-year-olds get involved with our campus ministry and grow in their faith. However, more often than not, these young adults have different desires for themselves.

So, what do they truly want? This question has been on my mind for the past eight years as I've been involved in campus ministry. College students, typically between the ages of 18 and 22, are in the process of discovering what they want for their lives. They are no longer solely driven by their parents' desires, but are searching for their own purpose. This journey can be both exciting and challenging, as they navigate through the ups and downs of self-discovery.

The Search for Identity

College is a time when young adults are trying to figure out who they are and what they believe. It's a crucial period of self-discovery and exploration. They may come into college thinking they have it all figured out, but soon realize that they have much more to learn.

During this process, it's important for them to understand that college doesn't change their heart, but rather reveals it. The challenges and experiences they encounter in college will expose their true beliefs and values. It's in these moments that they have the opportunity to deepen their faith and understand themselves better.

The Role of Campus Ministry

As a campus ministry, our role is not to change these young adults, but to walk alongside them in their journey of self-discovery. We aim to create a safe and welcoming space where they can explore their faith, ask questions, and find support. We provide opportunities for them to engage with Scripture and learn about the teachings of Jesus.

However, it's important to recognize that true transformation comes from God. Our job is to point them towards Him and allow Him to work in their lives. We can offer guidance, mentorship, and resources, but ultimately it's up to each individual to choose whether they will allow their hearts to be transformed by God's love.

Biblical Guidance

Throughout the Bible, we find wisdom and guidance for young adults on their journey of self-discovery. One verse that comes to mind is Proverbs 3:5-6, which says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." This verse reminds us that we should rely on God's wisdom rather than our own limited understanding.

Another verse that speaks to the importance of seeking God's guidance is Psalm 32:8, which says, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you." This verse reassures us that God is always there to guide us and offer His counsel as we navigate through life's uncertainties.

Embracing the Journey

As college students embark on their journey of self-discovery, it's important for them to embrace the process. It's okay to have doubts, questions, and uncertainties. This is a time for growth and learning. It's an opportunity to deepen their relationship with God and discover their purpose.

Just as a caterpillar goes through the transformative process of becoming a butterfly, college is a transformative period in a young adult's life. It may be challenging at times, but the end result is a beautiful and empowered individual.

So, let's not focus on changing these college students, but rather on nurturing their hearts and pointing them towards God. Let's create an environment where they can freely explore their faith and find their own path. And let's trust that God will continue to work in their lives, revealing their true selves along the way.

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