Choosing Life: A Letter from a Loving Wife - Resisting Temptation and Finding True Ful

Where Dead Men Lie - A Letter from a Loving Wife

Where Dead Men Lie - A Letter from a Loving Wife

Dear Husband,

If you value your life, if you cherish your manliness and honor, if you love your family and your God, listen to his voice. As she whispers in your ear, as her lips yield the sweetest honey, as her speech soothes and excites, listen to his words instead. Drown her lies in wisdom.

She entices, “Come, let us take our fill of love till morning; let us delight ourselves with love”
(Proverbs 7:18). She says that she can satisfy your longings. She says that no one will know. She makes you feel desired, dominant. She crowns you a king.

And she can provide some of the promised pleasure — for a time.

But mark these three words: in the end.

In the end she is bitter as wormwood.” In the end she is “sharp as a two-edged sword” (Proverbs 5:4). In the end it would have been better to sleep every night embracing a Japanese Katana or a motion sensor grenade.

In the end you will realize that the allure of sin leads to destruction, emptiness, and death. It promises pleasure, but leaves you broken and empty.

The Deceptive Pleasure

Like a siren's song, the forbidden woman seduces with her promises of pleasure and secrecy. She appeals to our desires, our weaknesses, and our longing for adventure. She convinces us that indulging in sin will bring us fulfillment and satisfaction.

But let us not be deceived, my beloved. Sin may offer temporary pleasure, but it always comes at a great cost. It leaves scars on our souls, stains on our conscience, and fractures in our relationships. It may seem enticing in the moment, but it is like a poison that slowly kills our spirit.

The Call of Wisdom

Instead of succumbing to the temptations of sin, let us heed the call of wisdom. Let us seek the guidance of God, who offers us true satisfaction and lasting joy.

God's word is filled with wisdom and warnings against the seductive power of sin. In Proverbs 5:3-6, it says:

For the lips of a forbidden woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps follow the path to Sheol; she does not ponder the path of life; her ways wander, and she does not know it.

These verses remind us that sin may seem pleasant and inviting, but it leads to destruction and death. It blinds us to the path of life and separates us from God's blessings.

The Consequences of Sin

My dear husband, it is crucial to recognize the consequences of sin. It not only affects our relationship with God but also our relationships with others. It damages trust, breaks hearts, and tears families apart.

Think about the story of King David and Bathsheba. David gave in to his desires and committed adultery with Bathsheba, leading to a chain of devastating events. Their child died, and David's family was plagued with strife and turmoil. Sin not only affected David and Bathsheba but also their entire kingdom.

Let us not be fooled by the momentary pleasure sin offers. Let us consider the long-term consequences and the impact it will have on our lives and the lives of those we love.

Choosing Life

My dearest husband, I urge you to choose life. Choose the path of righteousness, even when it seems difficult or less exciting. The temporary pleasure of sin is nothing compared to the eternal joy and peace that come from walking in obedience to God.

Remember the words of Proverbs 4:18-19:

But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day. The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know over what they stumble.

Walking in righteousness may not always be easy, but it leads to a life filled with light and blessings. Sin, on the other hand, plunges us into darkness and confusion.


My beloved husband, I write this letter out of love and concern for your well-being. I want nothing more than to see you thrive and experience the abundant life that God has planned for you.

Let us resist the temptations of sin, knowing that its promises are empty and its pleasures fleeting. Let us seek wisdom from God's word and surround ourselves with a community of believers who can support and encourage us in our journey.

Remember, true satisfaction and fulfillment can only be found in a relationship with God. It is in His presence that we find joy, peace, and purpose.

Choose life, my dear husband, and let us walk hand in hand on the path of righteousness.

With all my love,

Your Devoted Wife

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