Can We Sin in Our Sleep? Exploring the Moral Weight of Disturbing Dreams

Can We Sin in Our Sleep? - Desiring God

Can We Sin in Our Sleep?

Sarah’s heart raced as she awoke from a vivid nightmare. In her dream, she committed a murderous act against someone she’d never met. She soon grew disturbed that her mind could entertain such a thing, and she didn’t know what to do next. Had she sinned? Should she ask God for forgiveness?

Vivid dreams of vile deeds can interrupt the sleep of the most faithful saints. Some dreams recur, while others visit only once. These imaginary acts of adultery, immorality, vengeance, deceit, lies, thievery, and murder can leave us crippled with shame and guilt.

If you or someone you’re ministering to has a sinful dream, what should you do?

Seeking Clarity from Scripture

When faced with unsettling dreams, it is important to seek clarity and guidance from the Word of God. While the Bible does not explicitly address the issue of sin in dreams, it does provide principles and teachings that can help us navigate this matter.

Understanding the Nature of Dreams

Dreams can be a mysterious realm where our unconscious thoughts and desires find expression. They can be influenced by our experiences, emotions, and even spiritual influences. However, it is important to remember that dreams are not reality. They are a realm of imagination where our minds can wander freely.

Therefore, it is crucial not to confuse the content of a dream with our actions in waking life. Just because we dreamt of committing a sinful act does not mean we have actually sinned. Dreams do not have the same moral weight as our conscious decisions and actions.

The Role of Intention and Accountability

Intent plays a significant role in the moral evaluation of our actions. Sin requires a conscious decision to rebel against God's commands and knowingly engage in disobedience. Dreams, on the other hand, are often beyond our control and do not involve intentional decisions.

Furthermore, accountability is an essential aspect of sin. Sin involves harming others or disobeying God's commands. In dreams, we may harm or interact with individuals who do not even exist. It would be unjust to hold ourselves accountable for actions committed against imaginary beings.

Seeking Forgiveness and Renewal

While we may not have sinned in our dreams, they can still leave us feeling disturbed, guilty, or burdened. In such moments, it is important to turn to God in prayer and seek His forgiveness and renewal.

God is compassionate and understanding, and He knows the inner workings of our minds. We can pour out our hearts to Him, confess any feelings of guilt or shame, and ask for His cleansing and healing. In doing so, we can find peace and assurance in His love and forgiveness.

Guarding Our Minds and Hearts

While we cannot control the content of our dreams, we can guard our minds and hearts during our waking hours. The Bible encourages us to dwell on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8).

By filling our minds with the truth of God's Word, engaging in prayer and worship, and surrounding ourselves with positive influences, we can shape our thoughts and emotions in a way that aligns with God's will. This can help minimize the occurrence of disturbing dreams and cultivate a mindset focused on righteousness and holiness.


In conclusion, while we may experience sinful or disturbing dreams, it is important to remember that dreams do not carry the same moral weight as our conscious decisions and actions. We should not confuse the content of a dream with our actions in waking life. Instead, we should seek clarity and guidance from the Word of God and turn to Him in prayer for forgiveness and renewal.

By guarding our minds and hearts and focusing on things that are true and honorable, we can cultivate a mindset that aligns with God's will. In doing so, we can find peace and assurance in His love and forgiveness, even in the face of unsettling dreams.

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