Becoming a Kind Husband: Lessons from Boaz and Christ's Love

What Makes a Kind Husband?

When we think about husbands in the Bible, it can be challenging to find many examples of ideal husbands. However, there is one man who stands out as a model of what a kind husband should be – Boaz. Throughout the book of Ruth, Boaz demonstrates qualities that make him a godly and considerate husband.

The Kindness of Boaz

Boaz's kindness is evident in his interactions with Ruth. Even before he considers the possibility of marrying her, he treats her with respect and care. As her employer, he shows kindness by providing for her and protecting her (Ruth 2:4). Boaz's character as a husband is further revealed when he willingly takes on the role of a kinsman-redeemer for Ruth, showing his commitment to her and their future together.

Boaz's kindness serves as an example for husbands today. In the midst of our busy lives, it's essential to prioritize kindness toward our wives. This means treating them with respect, providing for their needs, and being willing to sacrificially love and care for them.

Loving as Christ Loved the Church

The apostle Paul instructs husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25). This is not merely a nice illustration but a profound calling for husbands. Just as Christ is the head of the church, husbands are called to be the head of their wives (Ephesians 5:23). This means that husbands have the responsibility to lead and love their wives in a way that reflects Christ's sacrificial love.

So, what does it mean to love as Christ loved the church? It means putting our wives' needs above our own, just as Christ gave Himself up for the church (Ephesians 5:25). It means being willing to lay down our lives, our desires, and our ambitions for the sake of our wives' well-being and spiritual growth.

As husbands, we are called to lead our families spiritually, just as Christ leads the church. This means taking the initiative in prayer, Bible study, and fostering an atmosphere of faith in our homes. We are to guide our wives and children toward a deeper relationship with God and encourage them in their walk of faith.

Kindness in Everyday Moments

Being a kind husband goes beyond grand gestures or special occasions. It involves showing kindness in the everyday moments of life. It means being patient and understanding when our wives are going through challenges or feeling overwhelmed. It means listening attentively and being emotionally present when they share their thoughts and feelings. It means affirming and encouraging them in their strengths and accomplishments.

Kindness also means being aware of our words and the impact they can have on our wives. We should strive to speak words that build them up, bring them comfort, and remind them of their worth and value. Our words have the power to either uplift or tear down, so let us choose kindness in our speech.

Seeking God's Guidance

As husbands, we cannot fulfill the role of a kind husband in our own strength. We need God's guidance and empowerment to love and lead our wives well. We must seek His wisdom through prayer and studying His Word. By surrendering ourselves to God and relying on His strength, we can become the kind of husbands that He desires us to be.

Remember, being a kind husband is not about perfection but about a continual desire to grow and improve. It's about recognizing our faults and seeking forgiveness when we fall short. It's about choosing to love and serve our wives with humility and grace, just as Christ loves and serves the church.


Boaz serves as an example of a kind husband in the Bible. His kindness and care for Ruth demonstrate the qualities that husbands should strive for in their marriages. By following Boaz's example and seeking God's guidance, we can become the kind of husbands who love and lead our wives well.

Let us commit ourselves to being kind husbands, showing respect, care, and sacrificial love to our wives. Let us lead our families spiritually, guiding them toward a deeper relationship with God. And let us rely on God's strength and grace to continually grow in our roles as husbands. May our marriages be a reflection of Christ's love for the church, bringing glory to God and blessing to our homes.

For further guidance and encouragement, let us turn to the Scriptures and seek the wisdom found in passages such as Proverbs 31:10-31, Colossians 3:19, and 1 Peter 3:7. May these verses inspire and challenge us to become the kind of husbands that God desires us to be.

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