Avoid These 2 Common Preaching Mistakes: Neglecting the Bigger Picture & F

Two Common Mistakes Preachers Make

Preaching is a sacred task that requires careful attention to the Word of God. It is a privilege to stand before God’s people and proclaim the truth of His Word. However, preachers are not immune to making mistakes. In this article, we will explore two common mistakes preachers make and how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Neglecting the Larger Vision of Reality

One of the most common mistakes preachers make is neglecting the larger vision of reality presented in the Bible. Each book of the Bible has a unique perspective on reality, and each author presents a different aspect of God’s character and plan for humanity.

For example, the book of Romans presents a comprehensive view of the gospel and how it relates to the larger narrative of God’s plan for humanity. The book of Revelation provides a glimpse into the ultimate victory of Christ over sin and death. If preachers neglect the larger vision of reality presented in these books, they risk misinterpreting and misapplying specific texts.

As preachers, it is essential to understand the larger vision of reality presented in Scripture. This requires a commitment to studying the Bible in its entirety and understanding how each book fits into the larger narrative of God’s plan for humanity. By doing so, preachers can avoid the mistake of neglecting the larger vision of reality and preach with a more comprehensive understanding of God’s Word.

Mistake #2: Failing to Connect the Text to Real Life

Another common mistake preachers make is failing to connect the text to real life. Preaching is not merely an intellectual exercise but a practical one. The Word of God is not meant to be studied in isolation but lived out in the context of everyday life.

For example, the book of James emphasizes the importance of faith that produces good works. If preachers fail to connect this teaching to real life, they risk reducing it to a theoretical concept rather than a practical application of the gospel.

As preachers, it is essential to connect the text to real life. This requires a commitment to understanding the needs and struggles of the congregation and applying the Word of God in a way that is relevant to their lives. By doing so, preachers can avoid the mistake of failing to connect the text to real life and preach with greater relevance and effectiveness.

The Importance of Avoiding These Mistakes

Avoiding these mistakes is essential for effective preaching. Neglecting the larger vision of reality can lead to misinterpretation and misapplication of specific texts. Failing to connect the text to real life can lead to a theoretical understanding of the gospel rather than a practical application of it.

Effective preaching requires a commitment to understanding the larger vision of reality presented in Scripture and connecting the text to real life. By doing so, preachers can proclaim the truth of God’s Word with greater clarity and relevance.

Practical Tips for Avoiding These Mistakes

Here are some practical tips for avoiding these mistakes:

Tip #1: Study the Bible in Its Entirety

Studying the Bible in its entirety is essential for understanding the larger vision of reality presented in Scripture. This requires a commitment to reading and studying each book of the Bible and understanding how each book fits into the larger narrative of God’s plan for humanity.

Tip #2: Understand the Needs and Struggles of the Congregation

Understanding the needs and struggles of the congregation is essential for connecting the text to real life. This requires a commitment to building relationships with the congregation and listening to their concerns and challenges.

Tip #3: Apply the Word of God in a Way that is Relevant to Real Life

Applying the Word of God in a way that is relevant to real life is essential for preaching with greater relevance and effectiveness. This requires a commitment to understanding how the text applies to the needs and struggles of the congregation and providing practical applications of the text.


Preaching is a sacred task that requires careful attention to the Word of God. Neglecting the larger vision of reality and failing to connect the text to real life are two common mistakes preachers make. However, by studying the Bible in its entirety, understanding the needs and struggles of the congregation, and applying the Word of God in a way that is relevant to real life, preachers can avoid these mistakes and proclaim the truth of God’s Word with greater clarity and relevance.

Let us commit ourselves to avoiding these mistakes and preaching the Word of God with greater effectiveness and relevance in the year 2023 and beyond.

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