10 Reasons to Desire All Spiritual Gifts: Building Up the Church and Growing in God's Power

10 Reasons to Desire All the Spiritual Gifts

Have you ever been told not to desire all the spiritual gifts? Some might argue that it is unnecessary or even selfish. However, when we look at what the Bible truly says, it becomes clear that desiring all the spiritual gifts is not only acceptable, but also beneficial for believers. In this article, we will explore ten reasons why we should earnestly desire all the spiritual gifts as outlined in 1 Corinthians 12–14.

1. Desiring God Himself

First and foremost, desiring all the spiritual gifts stems from our desire for God Himself. The Apostle Paul states, "To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good" (1 Corinthians 12:7). When we desire the spiritual gifts, we are expressing our longing for a deeper connection with God and a greater manifestation of His power in our lives.

2. Building Up the Church

Another reason to desire all the spiritual gifts is to build up the church. Paul emphasizes the importance of using our gifts for the common good and the edification of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:7). By desiring all the spiritual gifts, we actively contribute to the growth and strengthening of the church.

3. Prophesying for Edification

Paul specifically encourages believers to earnestly desire the gift of prophecy (1 Corinthians 14:1). Prophecy is the ability to speak forth God's truth and revelation to others. By desiring this gift, we seek to edify and encourage fellow believers through the direct communication of God's word.

4. Exercising Faith with Miracles

The spiritual gift of miracles is another gift we should desire. Miracles are supernatural interventions that defy natural laws. By desiring this gift, we demonstrate our faith and trust in God's power to supernaturally intervene in our lives and the lives of others.

5. Discerning Spirits for Protection

The gift of discerning spirits allows believers to distinguish between different types of spirits, whether they are from God, the enemy, or human in nature. By desiring this gift, we seek to protect ourselves and others from deception and spiritual harm.

6. Speaking in Tongues and Interpretation

Speaking in tongues and the gift of interpretation are often misunderstood. However, desiring these gifts can be beneficial for personal edification and the edification of the church. Speaking in tongues allows believers to communicate with God in a language unknown to them, while interpretation enables others to understand and benefit from the message.

7. Healing the Sick

Healing is another spiritual gift that we should earnestly desire. By desiring the gift of healing, we express our compassion for the sick and our belief in God's ability to bring about physical restoration. This gift not only brings physical healing but also points people to the ultimate healer, Jesus Christ.

8. Exhorting and Encouraging Others

The gift of exhortation or encouragement is essential for the body of Christ. By desiring this gift, we actively seek to uplift and motivate others in their faith journey. This gift involves speaking words of encouragement, comfort, and counsel to build up and strengthen fellow believers.

9. Administering and Serving

The gifts of administration and serving are often overlooked, but they play a vital role in the functioning of the church. By desiring these gifts, we demonstrate our willingness to serve others and contribute to the practical needs of the body of Christ. These gifts involve organizing, coordinating, and providing assistance to ensure the smooth running of various ministries and activities.

10. Engaging in Intercession

Lastly, the gift of intercession allows believers to pray fervently and effectively on behalf of others. By desiring this gift, we actively participate in the spiritual battle and support others through consistent and powerful prayer. Intercession is a vital gift that enables us to stand in the gap for others and seek God's intervention in their lives.

In conclusion, desiring all the spiritual gifts is not only acceptable but encouraged in the Bible. By earnestly desiring these gifts, we demonstrate our longing for a deeper connection with God and a greater manifestation of His power. Furthermore, by using these gifts for the edification of the church and the benefit of others, we actively contribute to the growth and strengthening of the body of Christ. Let us embrace and pursue all the spiritual gifts, allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us for the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom.

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