Behind The Veil Lyrics Juanita Bynum

Come go with Me behind the veil
Take my hand and I'll lead you there
Come go with me, behind the veil
Caus in his presence we'll prevail
There's a call to the remnant, you've been chosen to trevail
Hear the cry of the Spirit, to enter behind the veil
Come broken in spirit, purged in truth and Holiness
Bow down before His Glory, blood washed in righteousness
Come go with me behind the veil, come take my hand and I'll lead you there
Come go with me behind the veil, cause in His presence we'll prevail
Cause Satan has no power, no entrance behind the veil
All our fears are taken, peace and joy now prevail
So, come broken in Spirit purged in truth and Holiness,
Bow down before his Glory blood washed in righteousness
His Holiness is his essence,
His Glory fills this place,
His Power surrounds us,
His presence we embrace,
As we bow down and worship,
Jesus Christ our Sourverign Kin, and were eternally grateful,
He's the allowed us to enter in
Come go with me behind the veil, Just take my hand and I'll lead you there
Come on and go with me, behind the veil
Remember, because in his presence that's where we'll prevail
There's a call to his remnant, we've been chosen to trevail
Hear the cry of the Spirit to enter behind this veil
So come broken in Spirit Purged in truth and Hholiness,
Bow down before his glory, blood washed in righteousness
Come on and Go with me, go with me, behind the veil, take my hand and I'll lead you there
Come on and go with me [x3]
Can't you hear the Spirit of the Lord cryin out?
Come on and go with me [x2]
The Spirit in the back says come [x2]
Come go with me behind the veil
It's a place, where Satan can't prevail
Ah, there's no entrance for Satan,
Behind the veil
So, come on and go with me
Come on and go with me [x2]
Go with me [x2]
The victory that yo are lookin for is behind the veil
Come, come, come, come, come, come, come
The Spirit of the Lord is begging you today
He's tellin you to come, come, come, come
The veil has been ripped
From the top to the bottom
The old tabernacle has been done away with,
Now you can come, come, come,
You can come without money,
You can come with out a price,
The Spirit and the Bride is sayin you can come
No demon can stand in your way, You can come
No Spirit can hinder your path, You can come
The Spirit of the Lord is callin to His remnant today
He's cryin out COME ON
And go with me
I've been waiting for you, to come and go with me
Hear my voice this morning, calling you to come and go with me
Bow down and worship me
Bow down in my presence
Himble yourself, under the mighty hand of God
And he will give you strength
He will give you a cure
You can enter in [x2]
Bow down and worship me
Worship me [x3]
Come on and go with me, behind the veil
Come on and worship me behind the veil
The flesh wanna stay in the outer court,
The Priest can only come in the inner court,
But only the Spirit can come behind the veil,
Only the blood washed in righteousness can come behind the veil,
Only the purged in Spirit can come behind the veil
I'm talkin to yo, come on
Let me wash your mind this morning
Allow me to purify your heart today
Let me purge you with kyssop this morning,
Let me wash you clean,
Wash you clean [x2]
Because my desire for you is to come behind the veil
Your part of the chosen remnant, that I desire to come
Come now, while the Spirit and the Bride is sayin come
Come now while I turn your heart to come
Come now while I cease the warfare in your mind to come
Everybody don't get the priviledge to come in the presence of the Lord
My hands is upon your life [x2]
That's why Satan can't destroy you [x2]
Because I chose you,
Before the foundation of the world,
I chose you, to come
Your my chosen
You see, this thing that your going through,
This trial that your walkin through
It's not there to destroy you, but it's there to purify you,
So you can come
Oh, my child
Know that all things work together, for the good to them that love the Almighty God,
So come on and go with me behind the veil
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the Shadows of the Almighty [x2]
You see behind the veil, Satan can't reach you
You see behind the veil, he can't even talk to you
You see behind the veil, no sickness can over take you
You see behind the veil, depression can't come your way
So why stay there?
Come on and go with me [x2]
Come on [x2]
Come on and go with me, and go with me
Behold the mysteries of the light
Behold the revelation of my word
For eyes have not seen, nor ears have heard, neither has it wintered into the hearts of men the things that I have for you
Behind the veil
(Holy Tongues)
No weapons that are formed against you will be able to prosper
Behind the veil
(Holy tongues)
Behind The Veil Video
Behind The Veil Info
"Behind The Veil" by Juanita Bynum is a powerful and deeply spiritual song that invites listeners to enter into the presence of God. The song's lyrics reflect a desire to go beyond the outer court and into the inner sanctuary, where God's glory and power reside.
The theme of going "behind the veil" is derived from the Bible, specifically from the Old Testament tabernacle. In the tabernacle, there were three sections: the outer court, the holy place, and the most holy place (behind the veil). The most holy place was veiled off and only the high priest could enter once a year to make atonement for the people's sins. This signifies the separation between God and man due to sin.
However, through Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross, the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom, symbolizing the access that believers now have to God's presence. The song encourages listeners to come broken in spirit, purged in truth and holiness, and bow down before God's glory. It emphasizes that Satan has no power behind the veil and that fears are overcome in the presence of God.
The song also draws inspiration from various Bible verses that relate to the theme of going behind the veil. For example, Psalm 91:1 says, "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." This verse speaks of the protection and peace that comes from being in God's presence, behind the veil.
Another verse that resonates with the song is Isaiah 54:17, which says, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." This verse reassures believers that behind the veil, Satan's attacks are rendered powerless. It reminds us that we are chosen by God and that he has a plan and purpose for our lives.
The song's lyrics also express the need for humility and surrender before God. It calls for worship and acknowledges that true victory and strength come from bowing down and worshiping the Lord. This aligns with James 4:10, which says, "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up."
"Behind The Veil" by Juanita Bynum has resonated with many people because it beautifully captures the longing to be in God's presence and experience his power. It reminds us that we are invited to come boldly before the throne of grace and find mercy and help in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).
The song's message of going behind the veil serves as a reminder that we have been chosen by God to dwell in his presence. It encourages believers to seek a deeper relationship with God, to be purged of sin, and to experience the fullness of his glory.
In conclusion, "Behind the Veil" by Juanita Bynum is a song that invites listeners to enter into the presence of God. It draws inspiration from biblical themes of access to God's presence and victory over the enemy. The song's heartfelt lyrics and powerful message resonate with the longing to experience the fullness of God's glory and power.
The theme of going "behind the veil" is derived from the Bible, specifically from the Old Testament tabernacle. In the tabernacle, there were three sections: the outer court, the holy place, and the most holy place (behind the veil). The most holy place was veiled off and only the high priest could enter once a year to make atonement for the people's sins. This signifies the separation between God and man due to sin.
However, through Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross, the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom, symbolizing the access that believers now have to God's presence. The song encourages listeners to come broken in spirit, purged in truth and holiness, and bow down before God's glory. It emphasizes that Satan has no power behind the veil and that fears are overcome in the presence of God.
The song also draws inspiration from various Bible verses that relate to the theme of going behind the veil. For example, Psalm 91:1 says, "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." This verse speaks of the protection and peace that comes from being in God's presence, behind the veil.
Another verse that resonates with the song is Isaiah 54:17, which says, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." This verse reassures believers that behind the veil, Satan's attacks are rendered powerless. It reminds us that we are chosen by God and that he has a plan and purpose for our lives.
The song's lyrics also express the need for humility and surrender before God. It calls for worship and acknowledges that true victory and strength come from bowing down and worshiping the Lord. This aligns with James 4:10, which says, "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up."
"Behind The Veil" by Juanita Bynum has resonated with many people because it beautifully captures the longing to be in God's presence and experience his power. It reminds us that we are invited to come boldly before the throne of grace and find mercy and help in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).
The song's message of going behind the veil serves as a reminder that we have been chosen by God to dwell in his presence. It encourages believers to seek a deeper relationship with God, to be purged of sin, and to experience the fullness of his glory.
In conclusion, "Behind the Veil" by Juanita Bynum is a song that invites listeners to enter into the presence of God. It draws inspiration from biblical themes of access to God's presence and victory over the enemy. The song's heartfelt lyrics and powerful message resonate with the longing to experience the fullness of God's glory and power.