Back In Aden Lyrics Golden Bells

Wretched and poor,I once was living,
Imprisoned by Satan imprisoned by death,
But Christ my Saviour,came down from glory
And changed my poor wretched soul
And now I am free.
Back in Eden, I'll be free from all sin
I'll be free from all evil
I'll be free from all fears
Tempted and tried each moment of life
All these have not moved me they cannot change me
When in the Spirit I walk all day long
And lean on my Saviour who conquered the grave.
Back in Eden, I'll be free from all sin
I'll be free from all evil
I'll be free from all fears
Jesus my Lord,died long to save you,
And yet in sin you toil each moment of your Life.
You will answer for it,beyond the river,
When you meet your Maker the Spirit you grieve.
Back in Eden, I'll be free from all sin
I'll be free from all evil
I'll be free from all fears
Saints and angels above are singing
They're waiting for us beyond the river
And when we're raised,we'll join the Lord's band
And sing to our Saviour,
Back in Eden, I'll be free from all sin
I'll be free from all evil
I'll be free from all fears
Hallelujah Amen!
Hallelujah Amen!
Back in Eden, I^ll be free from all sin
I^ll be free from all evil
I^ll be free from all fears