Using Secular Music in Worship Services: Reaching Unbelievers and Making the Gospel Relatable

Shake It Off: Using Secular Music in Worship Services

Many modern churches are incorporating secular music into their worship services. Taylor Swift, U2, Coldplay, and other pop music artists are being featured in Sunday morning gatherings. The use of secular music can be an outreach tool for the church to reach unbelievers and make them feel welcome in the church community. This practice has become popular in many churches today as they aim to make new believers feel at home in the church.

The Purpose of Using Secular Music in Worship Services

One of the main reasons for using secular music in worship services is to attract unbelievers who may not be familiar with Christian music. Many people may find it difficult to connect with Christian music, especially if they are not familiar with it. Using secular music can bridge the gap and make them feel more comfortable in the church setting.

Another reason for using secular music in worship services is to help convey biblical themes and ideas in a way that is approachable and familiar to unbelievers. This can help to make the message more relatable and easier to understand. For example, singing the popular Frozen anthem “Let it Go” in a series on anger can help to illustrate the idea of letting go of anger and forgiving others.

Biblical References for the Use of Secular Music in Worship Services

While the use of secular music in worship services may be a controversial topic for some, there is biblical precedent for it. In Psalm 96:1, it says, “Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth.” This verse suggests that all people, regardless of their background, should sing praises to the Lord.

Another example of the use of secular music in worship can be found in Acts 17:28, where Paul quotes a secular poet to make a point about God. This shows that God can use secular things to bring people closer to Him.

The Benefits of Using Secular Music in Worship Services

There are several benefits to using secular music in worship services. One of the main benefits is that it can help to attract new believers to the church. By using familiar music, people may be more likely to attend a church service and feel welcomed by the community.

Another benefit of using secular music in worship services is that it can help to make the message more relatable and applicable to everyday life. By using secular music to illustrate biblical themes and ideas, people may be more likely to understand and apply the message to their lives.

The Drawbacks of Using Secular Music in Worship Services

While there are benefits to using secular music in worship services, there are also some drawbacks. One of the main drawbacks is that it may dilute the message of the gospel. By using secular music, the focus may shift away from the message of salvation and towards entertainment.

Another drawback of using secular music in worship services is that it may be a stumbling block for some believers. Some believers may find it difficult to worship alongside secular music, as it may not align with their personal beliefs and values.


The use of secular music in worship services is a controversial topic, but it can be an effective way to attract new believers and convey biblical themes and ideas in a relatable way. However, it is important to be mindful of the potential drawbacks and to ensure that the message of the gospel remains the focus of the worship service.

Ultimately, the decision to use secular music in worship services should be made on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the needs and preferences of the congregation. By prayerfully considering the use of secular music and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit, churches can effectively use this tool to reach more people with the message of the gospel.

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