The Pleasure of God: His Sovereign Delight in His Actions

God's Pleasure in His Actions

Our God, who resides in the heavens, does everything according to His own will and pleasure (Psalm 115:3). This verse reveals that whenever God acts, He does so in a manner that brings Him delight and satisfaction.

Unlike us, God is never constrained to do something He despises. He is not forced into a corner where His only option is to do something He hates. Instead, He always acts according to His own pleasure. This means that in some sense, He finds pleasure in everything He does.

Let us take a moment to reflect on the significance of this truth. It should lead us to bow before God in awe and praise His sovereign freedom. God always acts freely, according to His own good pleasure, following the dictates of His own delights. He is not a God who becomes a victim of circumstances. He cannot be trapped or coerced into doing something that He cannot rejoice in. He is not mocked or cornered.

Even in the most challenging and difficult act of God's history, when He did not spare His own Son (Romans 8:32), He was still acting in freedom and doing what pleased Him. The self-sacrifice of Jesus on the cross was described by Paul as "a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God" (Ephesians 5:2). The greatest sin, the greatest death, and the hardest act for God to perform were, in some profound way, pleasing to the Father.

We can see this truth even in Jesus' journey to Calvary. Despite appearing trapped, Jesus had legions of angels at His disposal, and He willingly laid down His life of His own accord (John 10:18). He did this out of His own good pleasure and for the joy that was set before Him (Hebrews 12:2). In the midst of apparent helplessness, Jesus was completely in control, doing exactly what pleased Him – dying to glorify His Father and justify the ungodly, including you and me.

Let us stand in awe and wonder at the incredible freedom and pleasure of our God. Our praises of God's sovereignty and our salvation through the death of Christ depend on this truth: "Our God is in heaven; He does whatever He pleases."

As we delve deeper into this truth, let us look at more references from the Bible that highlight God's pleasure in His actions.

In Isaiah 46:10, God declares, "My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose." This verse emphasizes God's determination to carry out His plans and fulfill His purposes. He takes pleasure in ensuring that His counsel stands and that His purposes are accomplished.

Similarly, in Ephesians 1:11, Paul writes, "In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will." This verse reminds us that God works all things according to the counsel of His will. He delights in orchestrating events and circumstances to fulfill His purposes and bring about His desired outcomes.

In Psalm 135:6, we read, "Whatever the LORD pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps." This verse further reinforces the truth that God does whatever pleases Him. His authority extends over all creation, and He exercises His will and pleasure in every realm.

As we reflect on these verses, we can see that God's pleasure in His actions is not limited to specific circumstances or events. It encompasses everything in heaven and on earth. His pleasure is not constrained by time or space. He is sovereign over all things, and He delights in exercising His authority and bringing about His purposes.

But what does this mean for us as believers? How does God's pleasure in His actions affect our lives?

First and foremost, it should fill us with a sense of awe and wonder. We serve a God who is not bound by limitations or external pressures. He is free and sovereign, and He acts according to His own pleasure. This should lead us to worship and praise Him with humble hearts.

Additionally, it should give us confidence and assurance in our salvation. The fact that God takes pleasure in justifying the ungodly (Romans 4:5) means that our salvation is not dependent on our own efforts or merit. It is a result of God's gracious and loving choice. We can trust in His faithfulness and rest in the knowledge that He is working all things for our good (Romans 8:28).

Furthermore, understanding God's pleasure in His actions should motivate us to align our will with His. As we grow in our relationship with Him, we should seek to delight in what delights Him. We should desire to walk in obedience and surrender to His will, knowing that His plans are always for our ultimate good and His glory.

In conclusion, God's pleasure in His actions is a profound truth that should shape our understanding of who He is and how He works. He is not a passive observer or a reluctant participant in the events of this world. He is actively involved and takes pleasure in all that He does. Let us marvel at His sovereignty, rejoice in our salvation, and strive to align our will with His. Our God is in heaven, and He does whatever He pleases.
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