The Last Hours of Transformation: Finding Hope in the Struggle to Change

The struggle to change can be one of the greatest sources of discouragement in our lives. We try and try, but it seems like we always fall back into the same old patterns. It's easy to lose hope and give up, thinking that it's just not worth it anymore. We look back at all our failed attempts and think, "What's the point? Even if I could change now, there's so little time left to live in this new way that it wouldn't make much of a difference compared to all those years of failure."

But let me tell you a story that may give you a different perspective. It's the story of the thief on the cross next to Jesus. This man was a robber, a criminal who had lived his life in rebellion against God and his fellow men. But in his final moments, as he hung on the cross, he had a profound encounter with Jesus. In that moment, he cried out, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."

What a remarkable statement of faith and humility! This former robber, in the last hours of his life, acknowledged Jesus as the King and placed his trust in him. And what was Jesus' response? He said to him, "Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43). In that moment, this man was changed. He was transformed from a thief to a follower of Christ. His heart and mind were renewed, and his actions reflected this new identity. He no longer reviled Jesus or mocked him, but instead, he defended him against the insults of the other criminal.

Now, here's the remarkable thing about this story. The former robber lived for only another hour or so after his conversion. Then he died. Yes, you heard that right. He was changed for only a brief period of time before his life came to an end. So, was his transformation insignificant? Did those last few hours of newness matter?

Absolutely, they did. In fact, they mattered infinitely. You see, this former robber, like all of us, will one day stand before the judgment seat of Christ to give an account of his life. The Bible tells us, "We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil" (2 Corinthians 5:10). And on that day, his life will testify to his new birth and his union with Christ. It will proclaim to all that he was truly changed, that his faith was real, and that he was united to Christ. His sins will be forgiven, and Christ's righteousness will be his.

So, what does this mean for us in our struggle to change? It means that the last years and the last hours of our lives matter. If, in the last 1% of our lives, we can experience a breakthrough and overcome a long-standing sin or harmful defect in our personality, it will be a beautiful testimony to the power of God's grace. It will be evidence of our faith in Christ and our union with him. Yes, our struggle may have lasted for years, but that doesn't mean it's in vain. The last moments of victory can make a significant impact, both here and now, and in the eternal perspective.

So, my fellow struggler, take heart. Don't lose hope. Keep asking, seeking, and knocking. Keep looking to Christ, for he is the source of our strength and transformation. And remember, if God can save robbers in the eleventh hour, he surely has his purposes for why he has waited until now to give you the breakthrough you have sought for so long.

Now, you may be wondering, why does God sometimes wait until the last moments to bring about change in our lives? I believe there are several reasons for this. First, it reminds us of our utter dependence on him. When we've exhausted all our own efforts and come to the end of ourselves, we are more likely to turn to God in humility and surrender. Second, it demonstrates the power of God's grace. When change comes at the last hour, it is a clear testimony to the fact that it is not by our own strength or merit, but by God's unmerited favor, that we are transformed. It magnifies his glory and points to his sovereign work in our lives. Finally, it serves as a reminder that our time on this earth is temporary and fleeting. It prompts us to live each moment with urgency and purpose, seeking to make the most of the time we have been given.

So, my friend, don't give up. Keep pressing on. Remember the thief on the cross and the profound change that occurred in his final hours. Let his story inspire you to believe that your struggle is not in vain. Your last moments of victory and transformation can be a beautiful testimony to the power of God's grace and the reality of your faith in Christ. And when you stand before the judgment seat of Christ, your changed life will proclaim to all that you are truly united to him and that his righteousness is yours.

In conclusion, the struggle to change is real, and it can be discouraging. But we must not lose hope. The last years and the last hours of our lives matter. If we can experience a breakthrough and overcome our long-standing sins and defects, it will be a powerful testimony to the work of God's grace in our lives. So, let us keep seeking, keep asking, and keep looking to Christ. He is faithful, and he will bring about the change we desire in his perfect timing.
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